I already play Eve. Ideas gotta be new!
I already play Eve. Ideas gotta be new!
Why not?
Oohhh, you’re one of them. You’re gonna preach to people that they shouldn’t just get batteries eh? Your economy of scale means nothing while your bosses are charging more than that efficiency does for me. It’s cool to engineer big awesome stuff that’s so capable, but not when it’s a leash. I don’t think you’re incapable. I think your industry is greedy and has leverage that nobody should have and pretty much won’t work anymore.
Cold Storage anyone?
Depends on what kind of imaging she was using. Did she ever rub Doritos dust on your belly?
I can get in on all that without having sex with him. I just come to hang, my bro!
I’m really still in the camp that there are no bad words. Only bad intent. That said, I’ve got no use for the word. It’s practically a worthless word.
How dare you put black people in the same category with racists and my wife’s boyfriend!?
I can legally play however I please, payment or not. It’s distribution where they get you.
Sucks to suck Germany. Sail the seas to avoid those nannies who bend the law so they can charge you to judge the art before you get to enjoy it. They want your kids to be sheltered from the reality of things like kissing boys and BAD words!
Your specificity here isn’t needless. You did the meme wrong.
Maybe instead of playing with money, the money people should come up with ideas. I can’t think of a time where more budget meant more fun.
Thanks for the accurate information; you ruined it.
No it isn’t. Use it. Run a big fan or something.
No it wouldn’t. They don’t have to be lithium for houses. Houses don’t move.