Tell us that you discovered you were autistic as an adult without directly telling us that. Imply it by sharing personal experiences.

    11 months ago

    I’m not diagnosed, only lately suspecting, but well, one experience that stuck with me, was on a communications training at my workplace, which is an IT company, so the participants were a whole sack of nerds.

    The trainer gave us instructions to stand in a line next to each other, she’d read forms of communication and we should take a step forward, if we did not like that form of communcation.

    So, “e-mail” → 3 people take a step forward,
    “phone call” → 7 people take a step forward etc…

    At the end of it, I turned around to see where the others ended up and realized I had walked almost twice as far as everyone else. And I felt like I was rather conservative about it, too…