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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • you can thank State Street, Blackrock and Vanguard for buying up the American dream to rent it to you forever. Democrats are trying to limit this by stopping hedge funds from buying homes, which are for families.

    When do we start to see corporate assassinations? At what point do we see people start to fight back? We are slowly slipping into full on ‘subscription’ based lives. They are stealing our children’s future away, one home at a time. Essentially turning our economy into slavery 2.0

    Because of the extreme prices and demand for homes, my apartment rent went up 24% in October. They are literally taking half my income now. Half my life belongs to this one multi-billion dollar corporation now. The other half goes to my other living expenses. I make double the average American and I am basically a slave already

    It’s 2030, you own nothing and you are happy

  • Fuck all this representative bullshit. They never actually represent us.

    That sounds like a great plan to have the money squandered.

    Maybe the dividend is just applied towards your tax return, that would reduce the complexity of issuing 350k shares. I don’t want politicians getting their grubby hands on the money.

  • What if we just give every American a portion of the company that we bailed out?

    Eventually the average American would own stocks in many different banks.

    Eventually the American people will have majority share, at that point we vote on the actions of the bank as if we were the board.

  • 4lan@lemmy.worldtoscience@lemmy.worldCovid: It's That Bad
    6 months ago

    We are both adults here, right? I think you can handle being told you didn’t think it through. I’m not going to use kid-gloves with you and lie to you to serve your ego.

    you are still going on implying that COVID is the same as the flu or a cold. The flu has never altered my heartbeat rhythms for years after.

    You are still ascribing to the false dichotomy I stated in my comment when you say “not everyone can lock down” absolutely, except tons of people I personally know were still going out on vacations, some knowing they had COVID before flying to their destination.

    Just because a full lockdown wouldn’t have 100% wiped out COVID doesn’t mean we should have given up on stopping the spread. It’s not one or the other.

    I feel like you are trying to make excuses for endangering the lives of other people so you can not be bored. My Grandfather is buried under 6ft of dirt because of this mentality in Texas. He died needlessly. He was an active man who was writing a novel and was constantly physically active. He had at least 10 years left

    A lot of us are not going to forget the actions of our fellow man during the peak of COVID, especially those who lost loved ones needlessly

  • 4lan@lemmy.worldtoscience@lemmy.worldCovid: It's That Bad
    6 months ago

    I feel like you haven’t thought this through. My cousin is young so he has very low risk of having serious side effects from his COVID. The thing is we had elderly grandparents at Christmas as well, one of which with stage 4 cancer.

    There is a point to testing for COVID. If we don’t test for it we have no idea how much it is spreading.

    I used to get the flu once every 10 years, roughly. I’ve been getting COVID nearly every single winter.

    There are relatively young people who are completely bedridden from long COVID. I’ve never heard of someone having years of their lives taken from them because of the flu.

    Ever since I first got COVID I have had a irregular heartbeats and periods of extremely low energy

    I find it funny you’re creating a false dichotomy of either locking people in their homes for eternity or being free. We all had a chance to stop this in its tracks, nearly everyone around me was completely unable to sacrifice one summer of vacations. I know people who literally went on vacation knowing they had COVID, breaking state laws in the process.

    If you didn’t lose anybody to COVID that’s great for you, but a lot of us did.

    A lot of people believed our president at the time who said that it was nothing more than the flu, similar to what you are saying today.

    I believe there should be legal repercussions for those who have spread that misinformation, leading to needless death

  • 4lan@lemmy.worldtoscience@lemmy.worldCovid: It's That Bad
    6 months ago

    Got COVID from my cousin during Christmas, still feeling terrible.

    He went to the doctor and they didn’t even test him. they just assumed it was the flu and gave him Tamiflu.

    Tested myself after I got it and came up positive for COVID. It seems that our medical professionals are complicit in the cover-up of diagnoses. Once it left the news people just assumed it was gone.