• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • My bank used to complain that my browser was out of date. I wrote an email to customer service explaining to them that:

    A) debian’s “out of date” browser actually includes all up to date security patches. B) simply reading the browser agent isnt really security. I had simply been spoofing my browser agent to get around their silly browser “security” policy

    They removed the browser check 2 weeks later. Not sure if it was because of me

  • For me, no…

    I’ve gone from debian 9 to debian 11 and now debian sid without reinstalling OS on my desktop

    Same with my servers. Debian 8 -> 11 all upgrades in-place. Will have to upgrade to 12 soon…

    The only time i messed up an upgrade is when accidentally used the codename “bookworm” in the sources file and skipped a major version. The system tried to fully upgrade 2 versions ahead and promptly borked itself… But it was an LXC container so i just rolled back my mistake. Lesson learned…

    But yeah. Full re-installs have NEVER been a thing for me since going debian. It will even happily clone to a new SSD when you need to upgrade your hardware. (As long as your new hardware has in-kernel drivers, or at least some basic functionality to boot and fix the problem, if any)

  • Who is going to pay for it? Every time journalists try to get paid enough to eat and have a roof over their head people cry “paywall!!!”

    Or if they do ad supported people cry “ad infested cancer site!!” Or “lol adblock!”

    Just to be clear, i adblock the shit out of the internet. I prefer some kind of paid model, but i’ll get downvoted to hell for saying that. I’m not smart enough to have any good answers on how to pay journalists. But crying “paywall” at everything is not helpful…

    What i dislike is having to have an account and password for everything. There needs to be a better model/system for paying journalists (not just in gaming media)

    Currently the only business models are:

    1. ad filled clickbait
    2. billionaire backed media
    3. unpaid volunteer work
    4. paid subscription

    And it seems like the only sustainable ones in this day and age are 1 and 2 (to the detriment of our society)