• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • That just goes with a territory of having an iPhone. When you bought that device you signed on to a culture of consumption that is enforced by the developer of that device.

    The developer can’t force Apple to let the developer give it to you for free. Apple doesn’t tolerate free very well and anything that is free on Apple is likely either a privacy nightmare or is paid for by some subscription you have with Apple.

    This isn’t a problem with the app It’s a problem with the Apple.

  • I think it’s short for negligently discharged but it’s kind of stupid to shorten that. I can’t imagine what reason there is to not just write " negligently discharged".

    Frankly I think calling it a “negligent discharge” is giving the officer too much credit. The gun shouldn’t even have been unholstered. Guns are used to shoot not threaten. If he was pulling the gun out then he intended to fire it and if he pulled the gun out without intending to fire it then it wasn’t a negligent discharge it was an incompetent booger hooking by a pants shitting coward.

  • Discord’s new mobile app is fucking unusable sometimes. Sometimes I just stuck with that add picture pop up and nothing I do will make it go away.

    Not to mention that all of the controls disappear off the screen the second you don’t click on them so you can’t just mute yourself conveniently you have to tap the screen twice to bring up the icon to click so you can mute yourself but sometimes it doesn’t recognize when you click on the screen.

    I’m just impressed with how unbelievably terrible that app has gotten. I didn’t even think about it before, It was just simple to use.

  • It’s the same universe though, and the studios mostly collaborate on the overarching story.

    I think the big team up event is going to be a big disappointment though. Too many characters to follow all the storylines, and you have to watch the shows too if you really want to keep up.

    The whole thing doesn’t seem very inviting to new audiences.

  • I love this meme so much I sent it to everybody, especially the people that witnessed me fall on my face when trying to open one of these doors as I ripped it off its hinge* (yeah just the one load-bearing hinge for the whole door)

    We have these for doors and windows on our house, And we cannot find a company to repair them. They have so many moving parts in them that they gradually break down and eventually completely fall apart.

    The locking mechanism on one of the doors is a knob that pulls on some wires inside the door to open the various latches so you can choose which opening mode you’re using. If you don’t use it for a while it can get stuck and snap, making the door unable to open unless you completely disassemble it.

    One of the doors, The tilt and turn hinge at the top got loose And eventually when opening the door completely snapped off and I fell inside onto the door.

    The only one that currently works isn’t long for this world. Since The hinge at the top is also loose on this one and so is the handle even though all of the screws are as tight as can be.

    Granted the ones in our house are like 15 years old, but the ones on the main house were replaced 5 years ago because these things just have too many moving parts And when any of them break the whole thing has to be completely disassembled. The worst part is that to disassemble the door it has to be out of the frame, and the most common thing I’ve seen break on these is the thing that’s supposed to turn the latch.