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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThis shit is getting ridiculous
    11 days ago

    Reminder, economies are meant to be lowly tools of a society that exist only to maximize the equitable and efficient distribution of goods and services within said society.

    Our western, rigged market capitalism has metastasized to the point that our society lives in subsistence and subservience to that lowly, broken tool. To the point that when disaster strikes, our societal leaders rush out to their podiums to reassure us the capital markets that every possible measure will be taken to protect our society people children economy, by which they mean preserving the capital value of the owner’s dragon hoards.

    Its perverse to watch, it’s insane, it’s ass backwards, but here we are. Our military protects our owner’s capital around the world, our police defend the owner’s capital domestically. Meanwhile our people that make up our society struggle to make rent, struggle to eat, and every population center has growing tent cities of citizens we throw away to die of exposure and police harassment for the crime of not producing capital value well enough for the owners of our economy.

    Oh how I wish I could force all these economists working for private profit media writing all these “the economy is doing great, it’s the people suffering under it who are wrong” pieces to wear their headlines like sandwich signs and walk through their nearest tent city.

  • 60% of the time, our pillaged, underfunded public education system works every time.

    Also, on a serious note, it’s against the capitalist’s interests to have a well informed society capable of critical thinking and true understanding of how badly they’re being fucked by big capital. An ignorant populace is a compliant, controllable, easy fo manipulate populace.

    That’s why the owners never send their kids to their livestock’s schools that they spent years defunding into today’s ruins. Well, that and they don’t want their kids to inadvertently develop… barf…empathy or comradery with their future cattle herd.

  • Do lower your expectations.

    Don’t forget the market capitalists are the ones that both fed you those expectations through their media machines, captured government, and influence on education, and now expect you to work just as hard if not harder with no expectation of retirement or even enough to indulge personal hobbies or experiences as you subsist creating value for them, more and more likely than ever to death.

    Also don’t forget whenever you’re pressured by their captured society to feel guilt for being lazy for not working even harder to enrich them in exchange for a tiny sliver of the value you generate them, you know the “you’re poor because you do the minimum at work and don’t also have 2 side gigs, sleep when you’re dead get that grind brah” crap, that the owners live their lives on vacation, barking mandates, layoffs, and activist shareholder threats via email that subordinates will have to entirely plan and execute while buzzed and high from some elite club, resort, penthouse, yacht, or wherever they feel inspired to vegetate that day on your back.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    25 days ago

    I was banned from the LW comics sub because there was a comic about climate change being real, and I said something along the lines of having far more sympathy for non-human life suffering the hostile climate we’re creating because we’re doing it eyes wide open out of reckless greed , which according to that mod is “ecofascist rhetoric,” which I thought was funny because I wasn’t advocating doing… anything. Saying our species is more culpable for climate change than the other animals also suffering it was wrongthink that day.

    That’s the paradox of power in any form, the vast majority who pursue it, from politicians, to police, to mods, usually sought that power with a biased agenda, maybe not even consciously, but still. Power corrupts, bans for wrongthink aren’t avoidable with people in charge and no additional layers of active monitoring/auditing which isn’t really tenable on a volunteer basis.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    25 days ago

    Fuck China’s and Fuck Russia’s elite.

    That said, reasonable is in the eye of the beholder, and I see capitalism’s apologists at this late hour (I’m suffering a reckless capitalist growth/metastasis caused heat dome as we speak along with 10s of millions of other Americans) as just as unreasonable as you see socialism proponents.

    Modding abuse destroys communities, and that’s wrong. But I don’t demand all the communities I frequent spend their days agreeing with me, nor do I walk away unless the entire ethos/subject of the sub is to be against what I’m for. By that I mean, I can generally enjoy talking about a movie, for example, with a capitalism proponent because it isn’t generally centrally relevant to the topic.

    The point of discourse is discourse. An AI chatbot will be better at feeding one’s confirmation bias than any community made up of people ever can be.

  • The difference is intent, which matters to me.

    I wouldn’t equate a meteor that struck Germany killing millions to Adolf Hitler killing millions because there’s no reason to hate the meteor. It did nothing wrong because it had no agency or sapience, you might as well be mad at physical reality. Its a tragedy, but no one did it, causality set that meteor on our path from some random collision millions of years ago, and it just happened.

    Your comment is akin to not seeing a difference between someone who drops dead from some internal reason like a heart attack or brain aneurism, and someone who was shot in the head. After all, who cares how, that person is dead, what’s the difference, amirite?