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  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If they want more people to switch to EVs specifically, they absolutely need to try to make some changes if they can.

    Chargers: In a world where many people are living in old apartment buildings and condos, people are going to need public chargers. I don’t just mean enough for 20 people. If we want a big societal switch, we need to be able to assure people that they won’t encounter what happened in Texas recently. 60 chargers is still pretty rough if your city has half a million people in it.

    Cost: MANY people can only afford used vehicles. This is not only because of the up-front cost. Parts for repairs can become a massive factor when deciding what type of car to buy. Even if you can get a used car for 6K, you might not go for it if you know that certain important repairs will cost you up to 20K.

    Design: There are concerns for a lot of people with things being too screen-based. Some people like knobs that you can change without having to look away from the road. How many functions will be stuck behind a subscription? Will an update brick your car? Is it ok to tow normally, or will it sometimes require a special flatbed that most people can’t afford? Do we have the battery fire thing under full control yet?

    If every single car eventually becomes too expensive, driving will either become a “caste” thing, or people will put things together at home that might be even worse for the environment. Shoddy DIY repairs can also count for this.

  • It didn’t have a removable battery, but I used to use an older Asus Zenfone 3 ZE552KL that really kicked arse.

    It had cards slots, a headphone jack, a built in radio that used wired headphones for signal, and the damned thing was as reasonably waterproof as I could imagine a smartphone to be. It’s camera was pretty great for the price, too.

    Well, one day it fell very hard on a sharp rock, and the screen shattered. The crack made a hole a few milimeteres deep, and it was about a centimetre wide. It might not sound like much, but the crack in the screen was very much there. My happy arse managed to then have it fall out of my pocket and right into the flush of a high-powered toilet.

    I left it to dry for one day, and it worked almost like new again. It still powers up today, but the since security updates stopped years ago, i don’t use it anymore. IIRC, it wasn’t too expensive, but I forget if there was a sale going on at the time.

    I hope I can find another phone like that around that general price point one day. I can dream haha.

  • I think it’s another one of those things where words and phrases change meaning over time.

    Righteous is equal to justifiable. Indignant is equal to showing anger.

    Logically, it should mean justifiably angry. Often times, people will just ignore and skip over the first word and will only properly read “indignant”.

    I think it’s similar to when people say words like “irregardless”. They use it to mean “regardless”. If you break the word down, the double negative makes it a positive. It looks like it should read as being the same as “regarding”, but people had other ideas lol

    Another fun one: “eggcorn” has been added to some dictionaries as a synonym for “acorn”.

  • This might only be me, but when I’m constipated, my go to is hydration and lettuce.

    I’ll get myself a nice big salad, and eat it super fast. The idea is that if you eat it fast, you won’t chew as much. The partially unchewed lettuce can help irritate your guts into doing a bit of a clean cycle. (Plus, veggies are already great for constipation.)

    Best of luck, and wishing a healthy one for you soon haha.

  • I can only speak for myself, but that’s exactly why I left my last job. I loved it and the people I worked with, but I couldn’t afford that pay rate with such poor benefits.

    On my way out, they told me that they wished they had 10 more employees like me.

    They didn’t want it bad enough to pay even one employee a little more, though. I am not the only person who left recently lmao

  • No kidding. Just earlier today, I was looking for a kind of niche tool used to wrap pallets in plastic, and I found nothing on google about it. It kept showing me everything BUT what I was looking for.

    On bing, I found just about all of the information I needed about it. Turns out it’s niche partially because it’s made in my province, which I also found out from bing. Almost no one knows what I’m referring to when I mention it. It combines the technology of machine wrapping and hand wrapping, and it makes warehousing much easier sometimes. I wanted to recommend it to someone. Thanks Bing!

  • It’s always odd when people stretch inclusivity to mean that absolutely everyone should be able to freely breeze past any and all possible barriers, with no effort.

    Internet security, you guys. There has to be SOME minimum activity requirement, or this whole site would be swamped with an insane number of bots. There are multiple written tutorials and video tutorials that tell you exactly what to click and when, in order to sign up. How much easier does it need to be to join? What can you do beyond a video walkthrough for account creation? How the hell did they join reddit? I just don’t get it.

    Sometimes these topics kind of remind me of people like the parents who argue that babies and toddlers belong at raves and busy nightclubs. Sometimes having multiple different groups are ok. You don’t usually see videos about how to fix your car on the cooking channel. You also don’t usually get proper accounting advice from random insect documentaries.

  • Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about telling other people how to dress or what to wear. Not at all.

    To be honest with you, I don’t really go on twitch. When I made my comment, I had some of my earlier experiences with lemmy on my mind. I just turned off nsfw in my app settings though.

    My main reasoning was so that certain things didn’t show up when I was showing something else to family, or if a coworker saw my phone over my shoulder. There are some jobs where you really don’t want your boss to see certain things, but most other forms of slacking off are ok.

    For me, it wasn’t even about anyone’s chest. It was not wanting furry porn haha. They really should have thought about this before instating it.

    Now people will be upset regardless of what they do.

  • I don’t get some of these comments. You can want to avoid random nudity without bring a prude or jealous.

    I’d argue that a LOT of people are not interested in seeing 99.9% of the population naked, and there should be nothing wrong with that. I don’t care what they look like. Sometimes people just don’t want to look at rectums.

    The mindset of “you have to be happy about unexpectedly seeing a stranger naked or you’re a prude” also doesn’t sit right with me.

    I would have just stopped using twitch, personally.

  • Personally, I might be done with the series at this point.

    Did they not just put a lot of the vehicles behind a paywall in GTA V this year? If you previously had them, you were fine. You would be SOL if you didn’t buy them in the game before the update, though. IIRC some of cars were even stuck behind the GTA+ subscription.

    I don’t want to buy a game, and then have to buy some of the exact same content again years later. They should have also told people that they would be paywalling the cars a decent amount of time before they went through with it, imo.

    It’s not the end of the world or anything, but I’m concerned that this might be an attempt at starting a new type of profiting. This is worse than the horse armour from Oblivion. At least that gave you new models and textures.

    “We’ll just sell them a game, then we’ll sell them the same assets in the same game years later!”

    Just wait until it spreads to more game companies. I wish that there was a stronger push back when it happened. People are going to completely forget about it until it happens again.

    With their current track record, maybe I’ll buy it after a decade haha

  • Admitting that there’s a problem usually also means that you admit that changes should happen. People like feeling comfy, and people like dealing with what they know. Change is uncomfortable, and it takes effort. It’s the “fuck you I got mine” mindset. I hate it, and I strongly believe it’s hindering the entire planet’s progress in almost every form.

    “All young people are bad” until they need life saving surgery. “Disability payments are bad” until dear ol’ dad has an unexpected stroke that leaves him completely paralyzed. “Minimum wage is bad” until their personal lifelong industry dies. “Young people are stupid” until they need young people to take care of them in hospice. (Even then lmao) It’s selfish and it’s short-sighted.

    When I get old, I aspire to be that old person who plants trees that I’ll never see bloom. I want to help people in ways that I’ll never see. That shouldn’t even be a “good person” thing. That should just be “being part of a society that doesn’t want to cease existing after a few generations”.

    I would feel like I had miserably failed at life if I ever ended up vying for the failure of future generations in the name of my own personal success. It’s also a pretty weak goal to limit yourself to just “doing better” at life than complete strangers. I take pride in what I’ve done, personally. I don’t need to “do better” than the next set of people to feel that pride. It’s sad that so many need to treat others poorly to feel good about themselves. I would be embarrassed to act the way that I’ve seen many people act, personally.

    What a state of things.