I love genuine questions and people putting in the effort to love and understand each other better. If you come at me just wanting to argue I’m going to troll you back. FAFO.

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is just proof of the peak performance of CHONK. Prioritizing energy storage is a great strategy utilized by many different organisms even as distantly related as animals and plants. You can afford to send out more shoots than a seraphim has eyes when you were born from the ground gently swaddled in a metric fuckton of starch you generational wealth inheriting bastard. But like it or not, this is peak evolutionary performance.

  • Situational awareness. I’ve had people look me up and down and ask how I handle the patient population I do considering I’m kinda skinny-fat and like

    a) I’m a lot stronger than I look, especially with adrenaline in me one time I picked up one of the weighted dayroom chairs because I needed to get to a patient and it was in my way

    b) 99% of it isn’t even fighting people anyway it’s mostly just having an ear for bullshit. One time we had a patient set off one of the safety alarms in their room and waited in the dark behind the door for someone to come answer it. I got there, saw the darkened room with the weird alarm going off and just noped the fuck out and called security.

    If you have the common sense of every guy in the horror film that says,“Absofuckinglutely not” (and you don’t mind being paid pennies) psychiatric nursing calls to you.

  • Nursing/Psychiatry: here’s what to pack for your friend in the psych hospital!

    • T-shirts, logos fine, avoid anything explicit/vulgar
    • stretchy pants, no drawstring or that can have the drawstring removed and don’t need a belt
    • a sweater without a hood or zipper
    • socks
    • slide on shoes (no laces)
    • a puzzle book with more than one type of puzzle
    • a book in a genre they like
    • a coloring book
    • a notebook to write in
    • crayons
    • a stress ball
    • one of those silicone bubble popper toys
    • snacks/food that are still sealed or that have one of those doordasher stickers fast food places use sometimes.

    DON’T bring:

    • anything with long strings or cords
    • anything sharp or pointy or made of glass or ceramic
    • plastic bags
    • bedding/pillows
    • anything valuable or sentimental other than maybe a smartphone, and ID