Awoo [she/her]


If you need me try matrix but be patient as I don’t check it daily.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Chatgpt is just Cortana with better marketing. AI isn’t smart, it’s just algorithms producing a facsimile of language via pattern heatmaps. What was Cortana if not just an earlier version of the same thing?

    ““AI”” is all a techbro marketing bubble. Will burst and move on eventually.

    Like holy shit we had the autofill feature in Photoshop ages and ages ago and that’s just doing what the “intelligent” image generators do. We didn’t call it AI back then. All marketing for what amounts to just some interesting algorithms.

  • It’s not just an “ML position”, in fact it’s not an ML position at all and there is no ML party with that position. Your attempts to frame it as one are sus.

    People are going to continue starting this shit. It’s up to hexbear to not make it end up…well, like this.

    You. You’re the “people”. You are saying “I’m going to do this more”.

    Really don’t be surprised when this completely derails into hostility and destroys any kind of positive relationship you attempted to build. Anyway I’m disengaging now. Please don’t call me back in here.

  • The right does split like the left. Hell, sometimes they’re straight up shooting each other.

    Extremely rarely, although that is what is occurring in Spain right now.

    Look, everyone has their own experiences. I know plenty of anarchists who won’t even go near MLs because of how extremely traitorous they are right now. You don’t come where I come from. You don’t know my experiences. Some anarchists mistrusts MLs with very good reasons and that’s fine. And it’s also fine to shitpost about it in an anarchist forum without having half of hexbear come in like a rampage of sealions.

    The people for left-unity are going to feel attacked by anti-left-unity posting. This is just a fact.

    When people feel attacked the result of that shouldn’t really be that surprising, should it? Especially when the spread of that rhetoric would actively harm hexbear. People are going to be protective of something they see as integral to the only space on the internet that they feel safe.

  • I think the problem here is that this “shitposting” comes off as… Completely anti collaboration?

    That’s why it’s a problem. Maybe you’re in favour of collaboration. But do younger anarchists realise that? Does the general bulk of the numbers realise that? Or is this kind of posting actually working entirely against the left overall because it splits us? Because a significant portion of people genuinely take it to heart and believe it. How many spaces actively purge marxists now because of “aaaaaa tankies”? That’s occurring because of this kind of propaganda. Is it helping anyone? Fuck no it’s not. Look at every single lemmy community where we’ve been purged, are they better? They’re far right shit holes even if there’s a handful of people trying to change that, they’re utterly dominated by the worst people.

    If the right split like the left does we’d be in power in half of europe.

  • No. There fundamentally is not.

    This space is not “pretend” while the offline world is “real”. The people here are real people (I hope lmao) and the emotions people have here are real.

    One day we will all be thrown into our own very real resistance. Are you willing to die for it? I am. I’ve said many times that I will die in bed an old lady in a currently non-existent socialist state or I will die in the fighting to bring it about.

    We post here and have some fun and argue and do all sorts of shit in our off time. But in our on time? A lot of us are genuinely active in political orgs. Here in the UK it might be resisting landlord evictions through Acorn, performing party work or shutting down weapons factories through Palestine Action. Do you think sectarianism would benefit orgs like Palestine Action shutting down zionist weapons factories? Whose principle need is BODIES willing to get on rooftops and smash up these buildings and get arrested? Does reducing the pool of people that would join that org benefit them in any way by being sectarians? Does it matter whether someone on the roof of an israeli weapons factory waves a black flag or a red flag? Of course it doesn’t. And the people who try to flare up sectarian bullshit anywhere are rightfully shouted down or expelled because all they are functionally doing by punching left is weakening those orgs and their ability to do praxis.

    That doesn’t change online. The number of people who actually transfer from the online space to offline organising is directly tied to the sectarian bullshit that occurs. There are dumbass marxists that refuse to take part at certain orgs because of some anarchist sectarian bullshit and there are dumbass anarchists that refuse to take part in some socialist led things because of sectarian bullshit.

    If I saw anyone at the march in London this weekend say a single fucking word about sectarian shit I would have punched them in the face.

    This shit hurts the left. There is no case for it benefiting the left in any way.

    One day we will all be in an existential armed struggle ourselves. Really consider the priorities. There is no benefit to any of this shit, and in fact it risks harming support for Palestine. I assume you’re not anti-Palestine, even though you won’t state it. If you can support Palestinian resistance despite Hamas, you can support marxist-leninists despite sectarian disagreement, and you already are doing just that by supporting Palestine. Not to mention that almost every single fucking pro Palestine march currently happening is being organised by the “tankies” you’re currently railing against.

    Oh and just in case - anyone that doesn’t support Palestine deserves a brick to the back of the head.

  • If your action is to punch left, your output is to move the current situation rightwards.

    This goes for both anarchists and lemmygrad types, who equally harm the collective movement by punching left at one another.

    If the marxist brigades, (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine(DFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC)) in Palestine can prioritise the need for cooperation even with hamas in order to put up a resistance against oppression, we can all do the same when we have fewer reasons to fight.

  • It’s particularly funny yeah. There was later a suicide at the Shenzhen foxconn plant but I think it was only 1 or 2 there that were only notable because of the 10+ in a single week that occurred at the Taiwan plant, followed by dozens of others spread out. Libs like to pretend the major issue was on the mainland by using the Shenzhen plant when the reality is this all mainly occurred because taiwan has significantly worse regulations and is sussy as fuck when it comes to their behaviour to outside people. Let’s not forget the nazi parades in schools.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlGot to find a leftiest place.
    8 months ago

    Unlike you I actually have 2 degrees. If you engaged with this topic in this way in a university the history professor would fail you.

    You don’t give a fuck about sources, evidence, or anything. You are utterly closed to new information. You are one of the most deeply propagandised people on the planet, from the most deeply propagandised population on the planet.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlGot to find a leftiest place.
    8 months ago

    I’ll ignore the fact that you’re lying about what got you banned for this response.

    Even the western far right media has moved on from the original Tiananmen narrative, which it acknowledges was false. The actual events played out more accurately to exactly what China has always said they were.

    The only people still pushing the original shit are anticommunists and racists because it’s more convenient to their goals to perpetuate it.

    Try actually listening and learning the actual facts from people in the left and then you won’t run into this problem. You’re getting banned and ridiculed by actual leftists because you’re further right and less educated on this topic than the fucking media of far right conservative tories ffs.

    This is what happens when you get your political education from fucking reddit.

    Learn properly: