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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023


  • BakedCatboy@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldwhich would you choose
    27 days ago

    My gaming PC is sticking with 10 for the foreseeable future, it’s my only windows machine and that’s because it’s a beatsaber and fusion360 machine and I don’t want to be bothered with fixing something when I want to get a workout session in or need to urgently design a part.

    P.S. if anyone knows how to get fusion working in wine I’m all ears

  • I switched from Google photos to immich so I could keep my photos more private (self hosted on my own NAS). I still keep Google photos installed on my phone so I can edit photos (the editor is really nice to use). Every time I open it, it bugs me to resume backing up to Google. This week I found that it had started backing up to Google again although I don’t remember accepting so I had to go and clear out all the uploaded photos again.

    I hate this. Even when I decline to back up it usually then nags me with a second screen asking if I want to do a one time backup. Like, no. I don’t want to send any of my photos to Google.

  • You could end up working for a company that develops free software so that’s one way. My company develops an open source science tool and it’s free for anyone to hack on, run their own copy, and use for commercial purposes, but we sell support which usually seems to involve being paid to develop certain features and fix certain bugs, as well as advise on how to keep their system running smoothly.

  • I’ve even experienced this in the 3D printing community, where I design a highly parametric model and put lots of effort into making all of the major dimensions and qualities parameterized and dynamically adjustable, with lots of bounds checking and value clamping, with all the parameters at the top of my scad file with comments explaining what each variable does.

    And then someone comes along to remix my model, says I don’t want to install openscad, and just scales the entire output stl to change the dimensions, squashing all the features of the model in the process (instead of having the size gracefully adjust with all the features moving around to account), and leaving anybody starting from their work with a hard to remix mesh with no parameters.

  • Did you make sure to stop network manager too? I think disabling it tells it not to start it automatically but I think if it was already running it may have stayed up and maybe it brought the interface back up.

    That’s my only guess, if ip link shows it as down still then idk. NetworkManager also has its own Mac spoofing thing so you might have better success editing the properties of the network connection in NetworkManager and putting a new Mac in the cloned Mac address field. I’ve only used macchanger with netctl.

  • I actually just realized lineage 21 does this too - I didn’t notice because cropping a screenshot with Google photos seems to remove all the fields (I also have the build string and timezone offset). Which is weird because cropping an actual photo the same way - as you would expect - preserves all the notable fields like timestamps, phone model / lens info, and the same “Software” field which for my photos is just “HDR+ 1.0.commithashlookingstring”

  • Yes it entirely depends on whether they store previously used usernames along with the date range it was in use (to tell apart multiple people who used the same username at different times)

    We’ll have to see if any unsealed cases in the future support that they don’t keep those records like how they don’t keep IP logs, but personally their track record is enough for me to have confidence in the feature, especially since my “threat model” is primarily opportunistic hackers or spearphishers at most, not police or state / nation state level actors.

  • The idea is that you change or remove your username after someone else starts a conversation with you, so the username can no longer be used to subpoena your account details.

    Put another way, signal is able to provide those 2 pieces of information to law enforcement based on a phone number. This helps you to prevent law enforcement having a phone number to ask signal to look up in the first place, assuming you change your username every time you hand it out.

    They also hash the usernames that they store on your account which means law enforcement can’t ask what usernames are being used, only being able to ask for specific usernames which are currently in use.

  • I don’t think it’s completely true to say it’s not accurate in any way. You can still get a rough estimate based on the proportion of likes to dislikes coming from people with the extension installed, then extrapolate that out based on the public number of likes provided by YouTube.

    Of course it’s not going to be anything more than a ballpark number, but being able to tell the difference between “almost nobody is disliking this” and “like half of viewers are disliking this” is super useful information. If nothing else it serves as a third party keeping a dislike count for users who installed the extension. They’re not claiming to access the real YouTube data, so I think it’s unnecessarily dismissive of what it does to call it bullshit.

  • I’ve had a lot of success clicker training our cat too, I have yet to directly apply it to being quiet but I’ve also noticed as the way I prepare food changes, the response does too. For example our cat used to eat dry food and had an immediate response to the bag and the sound of kibble pouring, even after switching to wet food due to having some teeth removed. But the more I handle dry food when it’s not feeding time, the response is reduced. I also sometimes prepare the food 20 minutes in advance but let it sit in a safe place (for us the counter is safe), then I surprise her with the food dish at feeding time. This also seems to reduce meowing, so I plan on continuing to separate the sounds of food being prepared from feeding time to see if I can get her to both not have an opportunity to know in advance when food is coming but also to lessen the association between the preparation sounds and food being imminent.

  • Isn’t Miracast for sending video data? The thing I like about Chromecast is that the phone or remote app just tells the Chromecast where to load the media directly from, and then only sends playback control commands. That makes it a lot lighter resource wise because you don’t need to proxy the stream through a device like a phone that wants to go to sleep to save battery.