• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 7th, 2024


  • Not OP, but look, if someone, let’s say a stranger, has nefarious motives, they have an incentive to fake their mannerisms, this means relying on your empathy and social intelligence alone is a mistake since they may be used as a vector of attack.

    In order to be safe, one must make sure they are not harmed or endangered in any way, this includes avoiding certain situations with strangers.

    Also, don’t just randomly pathologize people just because you don’t understand where they are coming from, even if done with no harm in mind, you will come off as very disrespectful.

  • Reminds me of another comment section in which the OP was assumed to be from the US after posting anti-vote agit-prop, and were demonized for it.

    Was kinda funny if it wasn’t grim, the moment they had to go “I’m not from America, whoever you vote for, my country’s fucked either way”.

    I swear liberals will do everything but look in a fucking mirror and reflect about their treatment of others.

    Regardless, this whole discussion, considering the fact that we’re in an anarchist community, is kinda redundant, isn’t it? Boots on the ground matter more, activism and community building, these matter more. But then again, I’m not really that active myself out of fear of surveillance (and more), shit, I’m kinda afraid of participating here if I’m to be honest.

    Hope y’all stay safe, friends.

  • To clarify the point of the post for outsiders:

    Anti voting is the view that one must not be satisfied with voting, and must do more outside than voting, that is in contrast to the popular perception in which voting is seen as a way to bring about change when in reality it’s anything but.

    Voting will always work to concentrate power in the hands of the few because the powerful won’t let it be anything other than a way to consolidate power, this would be directly against their interest.

    Historically change was brought about by protest, struggle and sabotage.

    Even in the social democracies in the nordics change was brought about because the struggle in Russia and Ukraine was seen as a threat to the capitalist system, this even fits with expectations as with the fall of the USSR and the veneer of a “socialist state”, worker and human rights are being rolled back.