¡ɹǝpun uʍop ɯoɹɟ ʎɐppᴉפ

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I find Joplin perfect for my needs. Markdown, embedding images, links etc. I sync to my selfhosted nextcloud.

    I like tags, I would like them to add a “directory tree” type of view to help sort “folders” (the thing they call “notebooks”) but only because I am more used to just filesystem type structured filing. But the notebooks and tagging idea works for me too.

    I strictly use it for notes/note keeping, in particular “HOWTO’s” and specific topic notes. So I dont even do a great deal of markdown in my notes, but I love the ability to add screen captures etc to them for clarity.

    And being on nextcloud, I can access those notes anywhere on any device, PC, Android, Raspberry Pi!! Joplin has an app for all of them

  • Kernel Level Anti-Cheat. If you don’t understand that, then you don’t know if Linux is good or bad for “gaming”.

    Basically everything you want to play on Linux, that is not supported by the anti-cheat kernel is screwed.

    “Steam offers all these game to play on Linux” - yes, but I played them all 20 years ago.

    Try playing something like Genshin Impact. You cannot, the anticheat is Windows only. (PS and consoles, it relies on anticheat mech’s from the HW). They don’t offer a Linux version - so you are screwed.

    Does it have EAC or Battleeye? You are shit out of luck.

    The Linux Desktop is ready for primetime, but not for gaming. You need a windows boot for gaming, unless you are playing Half-Life…