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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I haven’t used Photoshop; learned basic photo editing in GIMP (as a poor student, I appreciated a powerful, free editor). So, no complaints about the UI from me. If anything, I’d probably bitch about the Photoshop UI if I ever used it.

    One thing that concerns me a little, however, is the third-party integration with Nik Collection. The second version, which I’m still using, was provided for free by Google. They later sold the software, and the new company commercialized it. I found it difficult to track down the v2 installer, so I’m now keeping it on multiple backups, in multiple locations, as one of my most treasured software possessions.

  • When I was still buying new games, I’ve had development studios I preferred, and others I avoided. Those were simpler times (and simpler games), when one small studio did everything.

    Later, additional external companies got involved, and some tried to hide their presence. I remember when The Adventure Company started using a very customer unfriendly sort of copy protection, and I started using a list of affectted games, so that I could avoid them.

    These days, multiple companies are involved with game design. As a consumer, it’s only normal that I’d like to know who had their hands on developing a game I’d be interested in. I haven’t played any games Sweet Baby was involved with, but if I did and had a strong opinion (negative or positive) about their work, I’d appreciate a list of games they worked on, to make a purchase choice that would suit me best.

  • I can’t tell whether this particular person is real, but I fully believe that there are thousands such people, if not more, in every developed country. I count myself among them. My social media interaction, other than Lemmy and Reddit, is limited to reading and writing 1000+ words long blog posts. I recently left our company’s Christmas party after an hour when I realised I had nothing to talk about with the others - I don’t know the current trends in movies, TV or music, and nobody in my work shares my interests. So, I may be perceived as just as weird (or endearing, as the ending suggests), even though I see myself as perfectly normal.