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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • That’s a part of it. Another part is that it looks for patterns that it can apply in other places, which is how it ends up hallucinating functions that don’t exist and things like that.

    Like it can see that English has the verbs add, sort, and climb. And it will see a bunch of code that has functions like add(x, y) and sort( list ) and might conclude that there must also be a climb( thing ) function because that follows the pattern of functions being verb( objects ). It didn’t know what code is or even verbs for that matter. It could generate text explaining them because such explanations are definitely part of its training, but it understands it in the same way a dictionary understands words or an encyclopedia understands the concepts contained within.

  • Then each QA human will be paired with a second AI that will catch those mistakes the human ignores. And another human will be hired to watch that AI and that human will get an AI assistant to catch their mistakes.

    Eventually they’ll need a rule that you can only communicate with the human/AI directly above you or below you in the chain to avoid meetings with entire countries of people.

  • I think the same about anyone who fears LGBT+ trying to convert their kids like they believe someone can be convinced to be gay rather than just convinced to accept their sexuality.

    Like I don’t see any problem with being gay but it’s not for me. I sometimes think dating would be easier if I was bi, but it’s about as appealing as knowing it would be easier to fill my stomach if I ate sawdust.

    So it’s very telling when someone talks about gays tempting them or that they worry about a gay agenda of turning everyone gay like it’s a realistic possibility.

  • There’s another layer to it, too. Businesses are built and run with a combination of capital and labour, but all of the power about the direction and continuity if the business goes along with the ownership of the capital.

    So not only do the owners decide how to divide up the proceeds generated by the business, they also have the power to completely change it, including who, what, where, when, and how.

  • Sounds to me like he should be given veto power in projects he gets hired on to. I didn’t mind the Witcher because I hadn’t gotten very far into the lore myself and didn’t see how much it had gone off the original path, but I’m kinda tired of producers and directors taking an existing story but then changing huge parts of it.

    There’s nothing wrong with telling your own story but enough with the bait and switch ones. Give it your own name, don’t leech off of the name recognition of already loved stories.

  • Worst is when the disappointing stuff are things you don’t think of until you use it. Like my convection toaster oven is the best oven I’ve ever had but I hate it because the UI is awful. It’s all preset based with presets I never use when there’s only like 4 options to adjust, so I need to figure out which preset is closest to what I want then adjust it from there because none of the presets are good for anything without adjust them.

    It makes buying things a bit of an ordeal, but on the other hand, I can’t say I really dislike usually deciding to not buy something until I can do more research on it.

    It also means that getting me a gift that would be something I’d really care about is going to be very difficult if you want it to be a surprise. I am picky as hell and hate badly designed shit, which includes most things. So I’ll appreciate the thought and effort of a gift but can also resent that either this thing that I didn’t choose is now a part of my life or I’ll have to feel bad and ungrateful for getting a better version that won’t annoy me each time I use it.

  • And then at some point, games started saving inside documents. Ok, it makes sense to have game save files in a user area instead of a subfolder in the game install area, but they aren’t documents. Just make a new game saves folder or something like that, don’t just stick all my game save files in the same area, cluttering up my own organization.

    Though I did solve it kinda by just making a new documents subfolder in my documents where I put my actual documents.

  • I hope stealth gets a major rework, at least. Or maybe not stealth itself but how the AI handles interacting with it. No NPC should ever guess that it was just the wind when there’s an arrow sticking out of them or their colleague is lying dead in plain view (or even just doesn’t respond when they call to them).

    They should use strategies and tactics that work against stealth. Patrols (including their own stealth patrols sometimes), roll calls, better lighting, positioning of guards to cut off entrance points, traps (and not just the dungeon traps, but NPCs setting new traps when they suspect stealth, where the trap could be as simple as a trip wire attached to metal rings that will jingle if someone disturbs them), spells that locate nearby people, using senses other than sight and hearing, dark vision. Sometimes stealth missions should be forced to end and come back later because the residents realize someone is trying to sneak around and kill or rob them and go on high alert with effective tools to negate stealth. Just sometimes, sometimes it should work like it does in Skyrim where a guard just doesn’t want to deal with whatever is shooting arrows at him and maybe just yells threats instead of using a stealth counter (just get rid of that memory of a goldfish thing).

    I mean, stealth is fun, but it’s not as fun when every single character I make ends up becoming some kind of a stealth archer because the NPCs are effective at generating opposition to everything but that.

  • I think it’s simpler than that. If you need to pretend to be a different person so others will accept you, then you’ll spend your life pretending to be something you’re not. If you just be yourself, then anyone who accepts you is accepting the real you rather than a false front you put on.

    Note that there’s a difference between pretending to be what you’re not vs changing yourself into something different.

  • I dunno, I think he might have figured out how to bottle lightning because he had another show after The Room that was the same kind of “so bad it’s good” as The Room was. He’d have to be pretty delusional to think he was making high art after the way The Room was received, so to realize what people liked about his art (assuming he didn’t know that in the first place) and not immediately just churning out garbage instead tells me he does have talent. Entertainingly bad is a hard line to deliberately walk.

    Plus there’s no evidence he was born into money. Maybe a bunch fell out of a plane with him.