• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I’m somewhat surprised that there’s no purchasable solution to this problem as all of the technology to make a short range drone interdiction system already exist. To detect one all that’s necessary is an appropriate camera setup and a system hooked to it capable of recognizing them, both of which are already prevalent in the market. Add an inexpensive laser range finder so the system can know if the drone is truly over your property and at an altitude acceptable for interception.

    Once that’s done it becomes a matter of how to interdict the drone. One relatively safe option would be for the system to deploy a high speed short range interdiction drone to overfly the other drone and drop something on top of it meant to snarl its rotors, for instance fishing line with weights.

    None of that is necessarily easy but its certainly doable.

  • it was the 80s/90s, windows didn’t exist

    Wow, that’s a pretty narrow gap. The 80386 started mass production in 1986 and Windows 3.0 (the first actually usable one) came out in 1990.

    I refused to use Windows until Win95 and even then I was experimenting with OS/2. In 1997 I installed Slack 3.4 and have been around every since. I’m currently running Linux Mint but I sorta miss SuSe and may go back to it.

  • I’m not the OP either but my brain seems to work the same way that yours and theirs do. I’d say you did a good job of describing how it works for people like us.

    One difference though is that you don’t seem to have the visual recall that I do. I don’t have a “photographic” memory but I could probably recall the hypothetical map as a visual object and examine it for additional information that I didn’t notice the first time.

    I can personally push it to a visualisation, but it takes significant mental effort, and the results are unstable.

    You may actually be better at this than I am. Describing my results as “unstable” would charitable. I also don’t get dog breeds, just amorphous and blurry blobs with rorsarch like colors slapped on them.

  • Having an inner voice makes it easier to absorb the information in a book

    I think all of our brains are wired different and the different wiring leads to advantages in one thing but it’s probably a disadvantage for others. For instance I have no inner voice but my reading speed, with comprehension, is well faster than nearly anyone I’ve ever met. I can even sometimes recall precisely where on a page a given word or phrase was located, even years after reading the material. However I’m almost entirely unable to imagine a 3 dimensional object and rotate it in my “minds eye”.

  • Buelldozer@lemmy.todaytomemes@lemmy.worldSIGMA-PILLED bell hooks
    2 months ago

    Like, bruh, I’m a dude, but I’d rather see a bear than another man if I was on a solo backpacking trip.

    I think you may have a skewed perception of the risks, at least where I live. As someone who is out in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains on a frequent basis I’d much rather wander into another man than a bear. Here in Wyoming Brown Bears, aka Grizzlies, are now mauling or killing multiple people per year during wilderness encounters however I haven’t heard of a single random wilderness encounter where a man attacked or killed someone in at least a decade.

    If you are hiking somewhere that only has Black Bears than yeah you are statistically safer with the Bear. If you hike here though you are statistically safer with the man.