• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • that’s a high bar to ask for.

    Right. Removing their downvote button isn’t going to cause people to pause and reflect on their positions, so what benefit would it provide to an actual discussion?

    If I’m having an actual discussion with someone I disagree with, I’d rather receive a bunch of downvotes from the peanut gallery and keep the messages to people who want to actually discuss, then have the entire peanut gallery flooding the responses with poor quality responses to indicate their disagreement.

    Yes, it would be better if people gave more nuanced replies, but let’s accept reality and the fact that not everybody is going to do that. Let’s also accept that you aren’t special and deserving of a long form point by point rebuttal from every single person who disagrees with you.

  • Right, so no one has actually said that. You’ve invented an argument no one is making based on a generalization, and then patting yourself on the back for how well you’ve pointed out how bad the argument is (that you invented and no one actually made).

    It’s the definition of a straw man. You’re not even twisting some one else’s argument, you’ve invented one entirely on your own to knock down.

  • Israel bad, AI bad, police bad, Elon bad, Capitalism bad, Boeing bad, Microsoft bad, Apple bad, Facebook bad, rich people bad, landlords bad, C.E.O.s bad, ads bad, cars bad, SUVs/trucks very bad, piracy good, bikes good, uBlock Origin good, trains good, Linux good, bats good, Ukraine good, protests good, socialism good …

  • Downvotes are a bad idea. We should have upvotes only.

    That doesn’t improve anything. I’ve been on sites with upvotes only and it doesn’t lead to more productive discussions.
    Often it results in more people posting low quality replies consisting of nothing more than “you’re an idiot” because they cannot just downvote to indicate that. Meanwhile the person giving incorrect information feels bolstered by the 3 upvotes they have received that people agree with them, while ignoring the posts with 30 upvotes pointing out why they are incorrect.

  • CileTheSane@lemmy.catoComic Strips@lemmy.worldFacts
    13 days ago

    So the comment is silly and you argue about its interpretation. In other words it did not add anything productive to the conversation?

    When I see someone with vague complaints about downvotes and no specific elaboration when pressed, that’s a warning sign that they likely weren’t engaging in productive dialog in the first place and want to blame “the hive mind” for no one liking their “hot take”.

    If anyone was willing to engage the writer rather than just burying the comment then it’s possible you may have seen that.

    Not the responsibility of everyone else to try to engage to see if a commenter has a relevant taking point and coax it out of them. It’s up to the commenter to make that clear in the first place.

  • Downvotes should only be used for comments that are off topic, factually incorrect, hateful or made in bad faith etc.

    So something like this comment: https://lemmy.ca/comment/9747509 Which equates not liking Elon Musk with hate groups against minorities?

    Usually when people complain about something like “the Lemmy Narrative” they’re usually not bringing nuanced discussion to their posts and are just upset that people aren’t agreeing with their “hot takes.”