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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/49024/does-drinking-alcohol-kill-brain-cells

    “When this alcohol reaches the brain, it doesn’t kill the cells. What it does is inhibit the communication between dendrites, or branching connections at the ends of neurons that send and receive information between neurons, in the cerebellum, a part of the brain involved in motor coordination. This poor communication results in some of the typical impairments of intoxication. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found that alcohol, even when applied directly to neurons, didn’t kill them. It just interfered with the way they transmit information. Specifically, the researchers showed that alcohol causes certain receptors on neurons to manufacture steroids that inhibit memory formation. “

    Nothing I said was incorrect as far as I can tell.

  • You were spreading misinformation and are now behaving like a huge jackass when corrected. I wonder, what makes you think this is a good look for yourself to be presenting online? What do you get from making people think you’re a dumb asshole? Is it a trolling thing? Because I often feel like that trolling mentality places way more belief in the distress you’re causing others over the actual reality of the thing, which is that people don’t actually give a shit about strangers on the internet, by and large. Is it a shame kink/masochism thing? What’s the point?