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Joined 6 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024


  • People without ADHD that claim to be can shew the expectations of what ADHD people go through in the wrong direction.

    This is a fiction used to deprive all of us of services and accommodation (by making it ever harder to pass the gatekeeping).

    Neurodiverse people are generally treated like crap in the work place and generally in society, the idea that people are making it up to gain some imaginary perks truly is ridiculous to anyone who has ever tried getting any support. You having a decent boss is one of those privileges I mentioned that you should check, because as you go on to say, if that wasn’t the case, and it isn’t for many, you’d be sacked, as many are, if they ever get employed in the first place.

    As for voting, you basically describing both parties at this point, and that’s because the whole system is a sham, as is the idea that voting actually gives us any say or control. It’s only by looking outside of the bucket they have us in that we will find the way to freedom.

  • People saying it’s escapism inadvertently proving that it’s working as intended, because it isn’t there for escapism, it’s a distraction, a very deliberate choice to do with keeping poor people “aspirational”.

    It’s about reinforcing the lie that is “The American Dream” (or the “trad life”), and the idea that the people watching really are just the temporarily embarrassed millionaires they’ve been made to believe they are, that are actually just Christian white supremacist patriarchal capitalism doing what it needs to to maintain its control - promote the “perfect” cis-heteronormative nuclear family, living in the house with a white picket fence (now evolved in to a McMansion), with 2 cars in the drive, not only as an ideal, but as the norm.

    The idea that a movie can’t provide escapism if the people in it aren’t rich, again, just goes to show just how well this specific brand of propaganda works.

  • It’s just a shame the (presumably US-based) healthcare system is a clusterfuck,

    Laughs in disembowelled NHS…

    When the government controlling the public health service doesn’t give a shit about the actual public, especially those who it sees as “burdens”, you get more or less the same shit as if it didn’t exist at all.

    I was on a waiting list for 2 years to get an autism diagnosis, and the only way around this is to go private and pay an absolute fortune (this is of course by design - deprive the NHS of its specialists in favour of for profit private clinics).

    Want therapy? Wait at least 8 months. Honest about being suicidal? No need to wait that long, here are some cops to come and take you away…

    My point is the op is correct no matter where you are in the world, and people who insist that self diagnosis isn’t valid seriously need to check their privilege.