Bullshit, 1 should have been the top number!
Bullshit, 1 should have been the top number!
On the plus side, if we evolved on Planet Sunblaster then our hearing would have evolved to either dial down the volume or filter it out completely.
Oh don’t worry, there’ll always something new to bitch about.
He was a man of vision. I didn’t care about his music though.
LOL nah just stupid. I was young and misunderstood the “use equipment as items” mechanic and thought it meant that it would destroy the item as if it were a consumable, so never tried it.
And that’s how I learned about grinding for XP in grade school.
Regret wasting all that money on something thats loss was inevitable, then go find a $10 pair of wired ear buds.
When your committee-designed game can’t even attract enough bots to stay relevant.
Uh, all of them, I think.
Any Legend of Zelda game.
I’m old enough to have accidentally beaten the original Final Fantasy in hard mode.
350° for 35 minutes?
How many Danny DeVito’s long is a Boeing 747?
Oh hey I was recently cleaning out stuff and threw this out. It was from some multi-game bundle box. My current computer doesn’t even have a drive heh
There are some people who would pay top dollar to eat people. I’m not sure who. I guess it would vary from person to person.
Bravo this is the correct answer lol
I’m sorry but I cannot endorse a meme proposed by a furry.
I remember when The Learning Channel had learning on it. Now watching it actively depletes your intellect.
Two answers. First, WTF are you doing asking in here, go see a doctor. Hell, see 3 of em.
But also, life is just a meaningless struggle against empathy anyway. You’re best off just accepting it and trying to have some fun before your inevitable natural death.
And don’t worry, existential crises get easier to live with after your first few. It might help to get a low-dose anxiety medication.