• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • You can improve the effect by putting a couple of forks or metal chopsticks deep into the food before starting the microwave. This will help conduct the heat further down into the food during the cooking process.

    Also, put a liberal sprinkling of pure silicon on top of your human food for human beings before placing it within your human consumption orifice.

  • GraniteM@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldRelatable
    1 month ago

    With as many problems as the Hobbit movie trilogy had, I can say one thing for sure: Martin Freeman was a perfect Bilbo. Him being constantly irritated that he wasn’t able to sit comfortably and have a meal, all the way from the Shire to the Battle of Five Armies, was flawless. Freeman was a very good John Watson in the BBC Sherlock, but if The Hobbit movies had been better then his Bilbo would have been up there with RDJ as Tony Stark and Patrick Stewart as Professor X as greatest casting decisions of all time.

  • Quark: I think I figured out why Humans don’t like Ferengi.

    Sisko: Not now, Quark.

    Quark: The way I see it, Humans used to be a lot like Ferengi: greedy, acquisitive, interested only in profit. We’re a constant reminder of a part of your past you’d like to forget.

    Sisko: Quark, we don’t have time for this.

    Quark: You’re overlooking something. Humans used to be a lot worse than the Ferengi: slavery, concentration camps, interstellar wars. We have nothing in our past that approaches that kind of barbarism. You see? We’re nothing like you… we’re better.

    DS9, The Jem’Hadar (1994)

  • It’s not enough to make money.

    It’s not enough to make more money than last year.

    You’ve got to make more money and at a faster rate of increase than last year, every single year, or else as far as the execs are concerned, you’re a fucking failure. Hence, everything getting worse, more expensive, and generally shittier all the time.