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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I don’t understand why a company would even want to use the music if it means they can only sell the game for so long. Obviously, it’s not the current reality, but I would outright refuse any deal that involves a limited amount of time to use material that goes into a video game, movie, any form of media except maybe live services that are constantly changing anyways (which is a separate issue).

    At the very least, people should be made aware of a game’s sale period, though I’m sure that’s kept under NDA.

  • The conversation around the two really wears me out. IMO, there’s no need to be so restrictive. We can call them traditional roguelikes, platform roguelikes, whatever, and I think that’s fine. If anything, I think we should have better terminology to differentiate games where the runs are isolated and those where there is meta progression. I don’t think roguelite a good name for the latter.

  • Generally agree here. Makes me feel not so crazy having seen almost everyone gush about it but I’m also not sure how to fully articulate my issues with it. To me, I think the biggest thing is that it feels like the game knows the diving mechanics don’t have that much going for them and so is constantly throwing distractions at me. Stardew Valley works because your quest goals are things you probably wanna do anyways to develop your farm. Meanwhile, I feel like stopping to fish in Diver Dave actively detracts from my ability to complete the constant stream of quests.