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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Teams feels a bit like a never ending beta. On one hand, it’s kind of nice to get constant tweaks and it’s generally pretty good. On the other, things do break from time to time. There’s also the whole “new teams” thing, which feels… very similar to “old teams”. All the old sillyness, like not being able to folder dive in a team while chatting (it will forget where you were when you switch back) for not much benefit. It also is a big regression in basics like spell check speed. It takes seconds for a red squiggle to send, so now my spoild self has to wait a bit before hitting enter.

    At least it’s not new outlook. Everything on that is way slower and it’s very clear the UI was not optimized for a computer. Left click to spell check in an email body, right click to spell check in an email title. Want to add formatting in a meeting invite? Ha, that’s rich. Even very basic things like changing fonts take forever.

    Both feel a bit like a new PM being given the reigns and going at it. I struggle to see what was so wrong with the old versions, especially outlook…

  • I’m constantly surprised that a swath of the populous thinks that everyone else thinks the same things they do, has the same motives they do, etc. People are largely aware that there are introverts and extroverts, along with different learning styles, but that’s where most people seem to stop. It extends well beyond that. People are all over the spectrum on anxiety, curiosity, desire to learn new things, where they prefer to position themselves in group settings, ability to understand where others are coming from, etc. Often when people with differences in the above meet, they fail to empathize with each other and are befuddled by that the other person doesn’t think and act the way they do. We to sort ourselves into similar social groups, but it’s especially amusing to watch this play out in a work environment.

  • It’s probably significantly more than 10-25 million a year in additional wages given the quality of employees, but it’s still likely pocket change next to things like the marketing budget. I work in a more capital intensive industry (tooling, hard parts, etc), but we still spend a few billion on engineering. Know what else we spend a few billion on? Marketing, amoung many other things. Job cuts always make me chuckle because they’re a, “we’re doing something” but we spend orders of magnitude more on material, facilities, etc.

  • IMALlama@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIced
    6 months ago

    Certification to be a bartender? Where at? I worked in the restaurant business for a decent amount of time when I was younger. The restaurant I worked at had a training regime for bartenders so they would learn how to pour accurately and learn the recipes for a ton of drinks, but it wasn’t mandated by the government. Front of house staff from several establishments in the area would hang out and our restaurants were far more lax.

  • But but but… I want the little offshoot niche community to grow! I also want content to get seen by more than 5 people.

    In reality there just isn’t the user mass to make small/niche communities viable right now, so you see more general communities filling the void.

    An easy example is 3D printing. There are two 3D printing communities in the lemmyverse. There’s also a ‘fix my print’ community that’s a ghost town and a few printer specific communities that are also ghost towns. Posts in these more specialized communities tend to get a consistent level of votes, but very few comments.

    I’ve intentionally been trying to seed more content, but it’s hard without literally posting the same thing in two spots.

  • People really underestimate the amount of time kids take. You may think you know, but it’s a whole other thing to live it. Wake up to kids, get kids situated for the day, work, get the kids, feed the kids, play with the kids and take them to activities, bathe the kids, put the kids to sleep. Any time for anything for you/your spouse/the house happens after they’re asleep. Sure, you can take them to the store but that causes headache. Sure, you can do housework with them around but if you’re home alone with them they’re more likely to be actively undoing anything you just did the next room over than to anything else.

    Kids are a lot of fun, but they’re also a lot of work.