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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldRespect
    3 months ago

    You’re making highly authoritarian, essentialist arguments

    Bruh, spend less time online and/or on campus, you’re turning into a moon person.

    The fucking irony of someone who was on the receiving end of malpractice from a psychiatrist as a child having to state that, yes, mental health professionals are generally authorities on behavioural and cognitive issues, and yes, adults are generally authorities on most things compared to 15yos. If I can get over it, I’m sure you can - hopefully before you spit out any little undisciplined animals of your own, and make them everyone else’s problem.

    As you double down while getting downvoted to oblivion as everyone tells you how wrong you are

    This is an indicator of a weak mind. Popularity contests have about as much bearing as insults. At no point have any of you explained how or why my reading of the post isn’t valid, and I highly suspect the anonymous downvotes and smartarsery are because you know it is and just don’t want to think about it, either due to an overarching agenda, or because no one likes feeling like they’ve been hoodwinked.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldRespect
    3 months ago

    Die mad, I guess.

    Dude, I’m getting hitler comparisons and called a boot licker for inserting the only hint of healthy skepticism into the whole damned thread. Now I’m getting fuckin’ 'u mad’s straight outta 2008. Excuses, deflections, personal attacks; as the kids say, cope harder.

    (Oh and I’m not discounting the more sensible responses, it’s just there’s not a lot to say to personal anecdotes about some guy’s 12yo son.)

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldRespect
    3 months ago

    Any credibility you had, you aborted it with that last line. Naaaah, this is totally not just some teenager who resents adults telling them what to do, and this forum is totally not just a bunch of anarkiddies circlejerking, but also we’re gunna call you a bootlicker.

    Who cares if the quote is total bullshit by someone acting in bad faith if it hones the edge of the ideological axe you have to grind. Shit’s just reddit all over again.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldRespect
    3 months ago

    Teenagers DO have more insight into the injustices of society than adults who have grown comfortable with their advantages in it.

    I think you need to speak to some actual teenagers. A subset of every generation thinks they’re on a holy crusade to right the world’s wrongs, but most of them grow up.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldRespect
    3 months ago

    If someone’s job is to be an abusive authoritarian hypocrite

    Jesus christ, mate, try harder. This is the shit I’m talking about.

    Why the naked, ageist contempt

    The contempt is for the enabling. Kids have always acted hard done by. It’s not hard to see that someone just didn’t want to take their therapist’s advice or didn’t like what they told them, played the victim card in the most vague, abstract way possible (this is the telltale sign that it’s a bullshit rationalisation), and now they’ve got a whole Internet full of maladjusted people with their own axes to grind and little genuine interest in helping anyone to reinforce their maladaptive behaviours.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldRespect
    3 months ago

    a 15yo autistic girl experiencing ABA therapy

    You’re all acting like the relevant bit here isn’t the 15yo bit.

    Adult gets frustrated with know-it-all 15yo, and does what they need to to put the kid in their place so they can do their damned job, kid comes up with bullshit rationalisation for why they’re right and everyone else is wrong once they get home, Internet echo chamber enables them, news at 11.

  • Figuring out matrix was annoying for me. I had to figure out which client program to use, I had to navigate the less-than-ideal way of joining servers, and there was a difficulty curve for understanding the program’s features and how to use it. It wasn’t impossible, but it took effort

    I went through the same effort and all I got for my troubles was a few dead chatrooms where what little discussion exists is purely about distros.

    The barrier to entry filtered out everyone else.

  • Discord is moderating private chats PC Gamer

    This annoys me, not because discord is doing anything wrong, there needs to be a way to report spam and abuse, but because users can potentially abuse the feature. My hope is that reported DMs past a certain age are automatically ignored.

    Discord moderating policy is becoming more ideological and political. TechCrunch

    This one is just inevitable due to all the kids on it. Discord doesn’t want media and govts breathing down its neck after kids are bullied into killing themselves via the platform.

    Where it gets annoying is one of the bigger public servers in Oz is straight-up a neo-nazi recruitment vector, and no amount of reporting seems to get anything done about it.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAge range
    6 months ago

    Nah, mate, you’re just deranged. You see any two people in public together and assume they’re screwing, then if someone points out to you that they’re probably just related you still think they’re screwing? Fuckin’ weird.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAge range
    6 months ago

    when I see a 45 year old guy with an 18 year old

    And you just assume it must be an age-gap relationship and start getting icky feelings and start looking online for ways to justify your pearl-clutching and feelings of outrage, when on the balance of probabilities they’re just a father and daughter with a healthy affectionate relationship you never had growing up, and you just have unresolved emotional issues.

    Yeah… ngl, kinda hoped we’d left most of you people behind on reddit.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAge range
    6 months ago

    I think it’s time you calmed down



    if you calmed down

    free meditation resources

    you continue to defer to feels

    That’s the feels covered

    now tell me why you’d type the way you did it you weren’t blinded by rage

    Fuck me, you’re tedious and desperate. Oh noes, I swore again, I must be ‘raging’. Absolutely one-note, and about a decade by its best-by date as a troll, let alone a debate tactic. Even if you could get me stirred up, it wouldn’t be an impediment to my reasoning skills or articulation because I’m not a child.

    I’ve brought credible, relevant studies and stats

    …over something that was never a point of contention. You went google-fuing for no other reason than to look like you’ve got something to argue with me about.

    There’s no difference between looking upon something with suspicion and actively intervening? This is just stupid on the face of it - tantamount to “There’s no difference between investigating someone and executing them.”

    No, if we’re going with argument by analogy, what you’re doing is stirring up a witch hunt and then claiming no responsibility when people you’ve enabled drown a bunch of spinsters.

    You don’t look upon a bunch of strangers’ relationships with ‘suspicion’ if you have any fucking concept of pulling your fucking head in and minding your own business. You’re a busybody, a gossip, a meddler. If you want a predictor, try having a healthy relationship with anyone when you’ve got a bunch of twat neighbours looking through your windows and whispering behind your backs. You’re the same kind of arsehole who makes going out in public hell for a lot of mixed-race couples because they get smirks and weird comments about how it must be a ‘mail order bride’ scenario. Like you’re not fighting for some great moral victory here, you just suck.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAge range
    6 months ago

    I read this over a couple of times looking for your thesis statement… nope, there wasn’t a point hidden in there anywhere, just poorly-contextualised quoting of statistics, like how you gloss over the very poor success rates on dating apps/sites, and an opening strawman.

    Just a very overwrought u mad troll. Okay, cool, can’t believe I interrupted my movie for a ploy straight out of 2010.

    You also seem to be confusing looking upon something with suspicion and actively intervening - why?

    Because there isn’t a difference. The moment someone falls on the wrong side of a taboo, they’re considered fair game. You’re just doing the work of rationalising it.

  • Icaria@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAge range
    6 months ago

    I think it’s reasonable to look at this sort of thing with suspicion

    I think it’s reasonable to mind your own fucking business. The judging and flimsy excuses to meddle are guaranteed to cause relationship issues for others.

    You act when there’s evidence of abuse, not ‘predictors’. This is fucking twitter/reddit moon-logic where every day 5000 supposed serial killers are identified based entirely upon whether they kicked a dog or left the toilet seat up.

    Think about the likely reasons someone would seek that kind of thing

    This is a stupid assumption in itself. Most people don’t have a wealth of relationship options to choose from. If you’re desperate enough to denigrate yourself using tinder, you’re desperate enough to cast as wide a net as possible and settle for anyone not actively smoking meth.