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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Unix has had a long running convention of separation between “operating system” and other files, so you can blow away something like /opt or /home without making your system unbeatable.

    If you stick stuff under /usr/bin then you have to track the files especially if there are any conflicts.

    Best to just add another path, I use ~/bin because it’s easy to get to and it’s a symlink from the git repo that holds my portable environment, just clone it and run a script and I’m home.

  • Dune had no good guys, none at all.

    Everyone was out for themselves or their narrow view of what was just and best for humanity from their simplistic and self-centered perspective.

    Leto 2 was the exception because he was out for his narrow view of what was best for humanity from his broad, self-centered perspective that still didn’t really lead anywhere.

    The actual point of the books is that no ideal survives the test of real time, and over time civilization tends to ossify, so we are doomed to catastrophe by our very nature.