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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023



    I see these posts all the time and I never understand what your motivation is or what the comics mean, so maybe this is a complete wooosh on my part, but let me explain.

    The comic in the comment I’m replying to comes first. The cat is wearing the bro apron thing and the fish parrot bro. In the comic in the post the fish are saying bra instead of bro. Some woman walked past the tank in a bra I guess

    However bras don’t say “BRA” across the chest, so it still doesn’t even make sense in the context of these fish parroting things they see on peoples’ chests.

    Edit: I have done research. I now find these posts hilarious. I’m thinking I was definitely a bit wooshed but also am correct about the “joke.”

  • I rarely find a situation where I need a feature that doesn’t exist that’s important enough to me to implement it myself. It’s a heck of a lot easier to just, for example, purchase things that already work with an existing home assistant integration.

    I suppose I could contribute with bug fixes and such, but I have a lot of hobbies that I’m already busy with, and I do development work as my main job.