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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • My inaction isnt getting Palestinians killed, my inaction hasnt caused the highest spike in homelessness ever seen, my inaction isnt causing a rise in suicides, my inaction isnt causing stagnant wages. If allowing the deaths of brown people is seen as the lesser evil then there is a serious problem with the mental health and empathy of Americans. If the tables were turned and Trump was currently in the WH, liberals would be calling out all the injustices they are currently turning a blind eye to. But the lesser evil they accept year after year, decade after decade, has grown so enormous they can no longer see evil for what it is. They have become the evil they claimed they were voting against

  • Its not a contradiction, several politicians, Biden included, spoke of what would happen if the US threatened NATO expansion into Ukraine. Obama, McCain, Kerry, Nuland, and now Biden set the stage for Ukraine to get invaded. Claiming it was to protect democracy which is bullshit. If the US cared about democracy and sovereignty they wouldn’t have orchestrated a coup with the Pakistanian PM.

    This war is 100% about decimating Ukraine so capitalists can go in and divide the spoils.