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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023


  • Lemonparty@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldGo Your Own Way
    2 months ago

    Not according to Randy, they didn’t.

    Generally, it’s not about any one person in particular. It’s about people in the music industry whose egos become needlessly inflated and they show it. It’s a general song. It’s applicable to anyone in their life.

    • Randy Blythe to metal hammer after the Grammy nomination

  • I still use reddit for some of the niche and sports communities that just aren’t really present on Lemmy (or not yet at least). I only use old reddit, and I only use my front page or the multis I curated myself. One thing I’ve noticed a lot lately is posts with zero upvotes and usually zero comments appearing in hot, top, and best filters. Most of these are absolute trash posts that were clearly posted by a bot.

    I do not understand what benefit they’re seeking by shoving bad posts with no positive feedback into these sorting options but it’s fuckin weird.

  • Lemonparty@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldGeorge is just pacing himself
    4 months ago

    I’ve been telling people this since somewhere around 2014/2015 when I read the third book. The first two books were well thought out, the plot moved, the exposition had purpose and was driving toward something. While I was about 2/3 of the way through the book I realized that it felt like GRRM had changed his mind about what he wanted to do with the story. The book no longer seemed focused on a destination, it seemed focused on moving characters around so that he could make something different work instead. But doing that new thing meant killing off 75% of the characters he’d spent two books developing, so he had to replace them with new ones, who were less developed, kind of cardboard cutouts of the previous ones. But now these new characters stories needed to be fleshed out so he could make their involvement make sense. In doing that he realized he couldn’t slot them in to accomplish the goals he needed to complete the story. So he kept expanding the web, expanding the universe, but never really having a plan or path in place to make it all come back together. And that’s where he’s been for over a decade.

    He hasn’t finished the books because he doesn’t know how to at this point. He can’t get everything tied together, he can’t go back to the story he wanted to tell because he killed off pieces necessary to make it happen, and the replacements didn’t fit where he needed them to.