• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldTired kitty
    21 hours ago

    God cats have the best life. They wake up when they want. No annoying alarm clock to tell them they’re late to a place they don’t want to be. Performing work they don’t want to do, for an organization they don’t like. Just to come back where they started at the start of their day…too tired to enjoy the 3-4 hours before bedtime ready to do it all over again.

    Nope. Cats just get to take 19 naps a day, be cute, and get free love and attention from the people providing this free lifestyle for them.

    And then sometimes…just sometimes…they stare into the void. It could be a blank white wall, but they see something we don’t. Something frightning. Something terrifying!!! Whatever it is, it cannot be percieved by our simple human brains, but they can see it. They can see it clearly. So they take off running like a bat out of hell, racing up the stairs and under your bed, only to enter the cat dimension! No greebles can get to them in there! But what about the humans??? Can the humans survive the greebles attacks??? There is no way to find out until it happens. If the humans were smart, they’d have ran under this bed too when the greebles approached. All we can do now is wait, and prey that the macebre of death and destruction is at a minimal this time. For as a cat, they have seen this before, and know how it ends! It ends when the chosen son of goul is reserected into the body of…wait, is the human using the CAN OPENER!!! CHICKEN! CHICKEN! CHICKDN! GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE!!!

  • It’s not that they had no confidence. It’s that they took Nintendos approach on hardware. Sell low at a loss, and make the money on software.

    Problem is, you could pirate every single game on dreamcast. Just get a legit copy of the game (renting, buying and returning, borrow from a friend), and have a CD burner.

    Then you could make a 1:1 copy of the game in roughly an hour. As the year 2000 went on, websites even made it easier by posting the game files for download. If you didn’t have broadband (many didn’t at the time. Most had 56k), you could go to your local library and carry a USB stick.

    So every console sold cost them money. And the software was performing abysmally. Plus, PS2 was right around the corner. XBox was an unknown, and Gamecube was assumed to do better than it did.

    From a console war perspective, the year 2001 may have been the most competitive year EVER for video games.

  • You are the one Neo…to get these head scritches!!!


    I assume I’m now given a medal? And a plaque? And a statue in my image place in downtown public square for all to admire?

    Yesssssss, bask in my glory! For I was the one…who made a MATRIX REFERENCE FIRST!!!


  • I’ve always had an alternative take on the “afterlife”. Some people like to think of spirits as this tangible thing, like a ghost, or something that is self aware. I see it more like how someone would say “The spirit of the city comes alive at these events!”. So in that case, the city has a spirit. It’s not a ghost, but that’s more along the lines of how I interpret the spirit. My grandma died in October. Her spirit lives on with me until the day I die. I will continue spreading stories of the things she’s taught to me. In that way, she will continue to inspire people who she’s never even met. So in that way her spirit lives on.

    So now that you get the idea of what I mean by spirit, here is what I think happens to us when we die. In the short term, you cease to exist. You don’t experience anything more. You don’t look down upon people from the heavens. You don’t roam the earth observing life. You just…don’t exist anymore. In the long term your spirit lives on. Each persons spirit will continue a different length of time. I’m sure there was probably a guy named Tom who lived in what is now Boston, back in the 1600s. I have no idea about who or what Tom did, because everything he ever did has been forgoten. Toms spirit has died. Others have their spirit live on for much longer. George Washingtons spirit lives on as long as America lives on. There may or may not have been a guy named Jesus. If he did exist, he’s got to hold the record for longest living spirit. I can’t think of anybody elses spirit from 2000+ years ago we still think about today.

    The point is, while you’re alive you have the chance to make an impact on as many or as few people as you can. Physically everybody is going to experience death differently. Ironically, people who are executed through lethal injection have the easiest death I can think of. Pain free. The rest of us are going to experience something much more horrible. Some die in their sleep peacefully.

    But after you’re gone, your spirit is all that remains. How long it remains depends on who you inspired, and what concepts you gave birth to for societies benefit.

  • Don’t worry, if Kyiv’s getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you’d have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D

    Actually, I don’t think they’d ever find out about it. One second they would exist, and then suddenly, not so much. Obviously no one has any way to prove this, but the going expectation is that if you get nuked, you don’t even feel pain. It happens so fast, you just cease to be an alive person anymore, and instead become a pile of ash. You essentially go from healthy living human, to creamation where you stand, in an instant.

    Obviously nobody who’s ever been vaporized like that can comment after the fact if they felt pain, or were aware of anything. What we do know is there have been recovered scenes after the Japanese nuked cities where you see a shadow in the shape of a person. That’s where that person was, and their body cast enough of a shadow in that moment of bright intense light, that it prevented the ground from being cooked by the blast. Unfortunately, nobody was giving the middle finger to something unrelated when the blast happened. As dark as the situation was, if it had to happen, it would have been kinda neat if the shadows were doing something interesting by pure chance.

    But yeah, they wouldn’t have had time to even know they’d been bombed.