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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • late to the party. Q: What is it that corporations will not tolerate about online commmunity, crowdsourced news and info?? Digg, Delicious, Slashdot, Reddit… all eaten and changed?

    Silly thoughts…

    • the life in a discussion site is the exchange of ideas/thoughts. For that to happen users need to actually listen, process, and discuss. Reddit’s structure has discouraged that for years.

    • signal to noise ratio - in order for the discussion board site to be useful, there’s some magic signal to noise ratio that has to be maintained. Otherwise, its some style of chaos.

    • Why I left - in a technical subreddit, someone asked a technical question ‘Who still uses XYZ, and why?, I never quite understood it’, I gave a short primer on how it worked, with a couple analogies. The OP replied testily ’ I don’t need anyone to explain to me how it works.'. And then testily to other helpful responses, and then deleted their acct.

    • The experts left most of the technical subs I am in 5-10 years ago. My guess is that discussions are mostly noise: things I could have learned if I read the instructions, or how can I do this without understanding anything about it.

    • somewhere I read that the upvote/downvote counts on the front page are made up… modified by reddit… so that people don’t know what they need to do to get to the front. By adding this, they gave themselves full editorial control of the front page. It’s downhill from there.

  • Thanks for saying this. It’s features at price point.

    “It’s better than the Pi at only 3x the price.”

    And what’s with the “Avoid the Raspberry PI” sentiment? They are hard to get (?). I’ve been using the Pi for forever, and have zero ‘product’ complaints that would make me want to "Avoid the Pi’. If anything, I have plans for more. Again, the price - A Zero2W is $15 MSRP. For $15, You can put that in everything. A Pi4 is $35. Its just a great deal.

  • “In conclusion, we used a strategy for upregulating mitophagy by Usp30 deletion, with similar results obtained with a pharmacological USP30 inhibitor. These strategies to reduce USP30 lead to enhanced mitophagy and potent protection against αSyn toxicity. This work validates inhibition of USP30 as a promising strategy for further testing for potential disease-modifying effects in PD.”

    Mitophagy - clearing out old stuff from cells. Clears out dysfunctional mitochondria from cells.

    aSyn toxicity - alpha synuclein - a protein found in the body, esp. in the brain. [We think it helps with some neruo-regulation, and DNA repair. We think these two go together. ] In people with diseases like Alzheimers an Parkinsons there appears a ‘buildup’ of αlpha-synuclein in places and a corresponding degeneration of other areas.

    This study tried to crank up the clearing out of old mitochondria in Mice first by modifying their genes to removing (knocking out) the ability to make USP30 (an enzyme). They also cooked up a molecule that could just block USP30 (it gets there first and sits in the way).

    Both methods worked to protect mice when they tried to give them alpha synuclein problems. Of course there’s lots of other questions about what else is affected, but this has potential to be fix this one part of the problem.