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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • Shouldn’t you at least understand the reason why it is that way? Or are you going to blame Linux when there’s no single entity behind it?

    Microsoft struck shady deals with laptop vendors to make them microsoft exclusive. Steve Ballmer effectively said Linux is cancer (probably blaming GPL license). They let people pirate their software so future technologists grew up with windows and other windows software (adobe did the same with photoshop, now it’s industry monopoly)

    A community OS like GNU/Linux competes with Microsoft who has billions in the bank. It’s only in the past few years that Linux has seen wider hardware vendor adoption at all.

    It’s fine if you think Linux is non-viable… but speak for yourself. Don’t go around trolling people who are perfectly fine with Linux.

    Edit: if you don’t care about anything I just wrote then you’re just a horse with blinders on and I am wasting my time.

  • Only to a certain extent.

    The problem is that a lot of software is very complex and requires full-time development/maintenance. It’s simply not possible to work on stuff for free unless this is just a hobby and you can sustain yourself with a main job.

    The main thing I have a problem with this instance is the following sequence of events

    1. The developer licensed it as LGPL.
    2. They did not accept ANY contributions to the code.
    3. The project became popular enough for people to post about in the fediverse (quite popular then, I guess)
    4. They got donations for their work, but apparently it was not enough.
    5. They removed the project from being accessible and moved to a paid only model.

    This tells me:

    1. Their intention all along was to abuse FOSS community for popularity, traction, clout and free testing by people who are also doing this stuff in their free time.
    2. They got donations, but for whatever reason it was not enough for them. => Were they expecting to make retirement level income from their project which is in a crowded segment?

  • This particular user seems to be a corporate shill. I hope they are getting paid for their advocacy of the malware infested OS that steals private data of paid users. At least then they wouldn’t be dumb. This user is consistently arguing that piracy is theft in other threads but will go bat for corporations. Companies that have stolen a lot more from tax money, environment, wage theft, lobbying politicians to artificially stiffle competition, lying to congress about data theft, etc.

    Edit: I meant LemmyIsFantastic not you

  • Apparently being responsible for your own computer is too much to ask. It’s not so difficult to manage a linux install. In fact, its much easier and smoother if you are willing to become familiar with how things work. But whining that linux OS broke like Linus Sebastian from LTT when you can’t read and take responsibility is like complaining that the car didn’t save you when you crashed a manual honda civic expecting it to perform like a autopilot car. Its asinine and illogical.

    We all grew up with windows and became familiar with it as that was the only choice. To insult linux and its users just because you want 100% perfection from an OS people build as a hobby for free is quite ignorant and entitled. If you don’t like linux stop commenting on programming forums.

    The year of the linux desktop for me started in 2009 when I first installed ubuntu and it has been the year of the linux desktop for me since then. I have learnt to fix flaws in my system. I know what its limitations are. I don’t expect linux to fix all my problems. But i certainly do recommend it to newbies even if it might frustrate them. I expect them to take it or leave it. I don’t insult their intelligence by assuming they definitely need handholding.

    Microsoft poured several billions by now into windows and it’s only getting worse day by day. If you suggest that Windows is best for daily users then it is clear that you’re just insulting people’s intelligence instead of uplifting them.

  • A silent portion of the community actually prefers that normal people don’t adopt linux. Those with entitlement and wanting to be spoonfed everything are best left to suffer with windows.

    Its kind of unfair because the playing field is not level. Microsoft made sure of this decades ago.

    The problem with linux is Microsoft. They worked hard over half a century to make it difficult for linux adoption. They paid hardware vendors to keep windows exclusivity. They forced secureboot starting at windows 8 causing problems for linux users.

    They made sure linux never got the mindshare that windows has.