• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Yup. Rand() chooses a random float value for each entry. By default I believe it’s anywhere between 0 and 1. So it may divide the first bill by .76, then the second by .23, then the third by 0.63, etc… So you’d end up with a completely garbage database because you can’t even undo it by multiplying all of the numbers by a set value.

  • He explains why it’s unlisted in the first few minutes. Basically, he knows it’s too long for the regular viewer, and plans to release a condensed version later. But for the people who may be interested in a deep dive, he made the much longer unlisted version where he has the freedom to ramble and fully explain things.

    As for why it’s unlisted, it’s probably so he doesn’t get dinged by the YouTube algorithm for incomplete views. If the algorithm sees that his regular viewers are only watching the first 5 minutes of his hour long video, it’ll stop recommending his videos to them. Unlisting the video is an easy way to get around that, because only the people who are interested in it will seek it out.

  • It’s because Yuzu was profiting off of their development with a Patreon. Keep emulators FOSS and there’s no profits to claim.

    Also, because it’s a settlement and not a ruling, it’s not setting a precedent for future lawsuits. Courts historically put a lot of weight on legal precedent, to help make rulings consistent. If one court interprets a new case in a certain way, similar cases in the future will likely look to that first case’s ruling for guidance.

    So if one ruling had decided that emulation is illegal, then subsequent lawsuits would have been much much easier for Nintendo. Because Nintendo could basically argue “we already proved emulation is illegal in that previous case, so now we don’t need to do that part again.”

  • Primarily a mobile user, which I’m assuming most migrants are. I like it so far, but have some minor complaints about the available apps. I was so used to Apollo, and a lot of the apps like wefwef and Mlem are frustratingly close but not quite there yet. Mlem Is missing some things like being able to zoom images, make image posts, (Correct me if I’m wrong, but Mlem doesn’t appear to be able to post anything except links) automatically fetch inbox messages, or view comment replies in threads. Wefwef seems more like Apollo so far, but it has its own quirks since it’s entirely web-based.

    That’s something that I expect to improve with time though, as the apps are all still under development. So here’s hoping that things improve.