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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • When I was 6, I was in a boating accident.

    My family and I were waterskiing and camping off this little island on the lake. We did it all the time, since my uncle had a speedboat.

    My mom was about to take her turn, and I was sitting in the boat behind my uncles seat, facing the back to watch her ski. When my uncle tried to start the boat, it faltered. Made a rut-rut-rut noise but wouldn’t start. After try three or four, I smelled something awful, and pinched my nose. The last thing I remember is my mom asking me if I smelled something bad, and I nodded.

    The engine exploded into a ball of fire and engulfed me.

    The next thing I know, I’m under water and bobbing to the surface (wear your life-vests, kids). My mom is screaming and my cousin is swimming to me and drags me to shore. My uncle (just outside the blast radius) had reached into the fire to grab me and thrown me into the water.

    I was… calm. I felt nothing. We had to hail a passing boat to take us off the island to get to a hospital. I remember my mom asking me if I hurt, and shaking my head.

    If i looked at my arms and legs and saw what I looked like at that point, I can’t remember at all, but I was covered in third-degree burns. I was in the hospital for a while, and then was in a wheelchair for a bit while my legs were wrapped. I had to have water therapy for my burns. I do remember the oblong, black boils that developed over my burns in the months that followed. For a long period of time, I couldn’t be in the sun, and had to wear a bonnet when I went to school.

    My skin healed beautifully though. I’ve only got one long-lasting scar from it on my shoulder. The doctor said that my uncle throwing me into the cold lake water is what most-likely saved my skin from being permanently damaged. I’m sure being 6 years old helped immensely, too.

  • It’s not going to be a fix for everyone, but if you feel like this guy, you should check to see if you’ve got the rare form of the MTHFR Gene, which means you’ll be up to 80% deficient of methylfolate.

    Methylfolate is what our body turns folic acid into. It’s a base element that our bodies use to function properly. If you’ve got an extreme deficiency, well, things just aren’t functioning properly. People affected with this will have lived with these issues their whole lives.

    Now, up to 60% of the population has a mild form of MTHFR, so the gene itself isn’t uncommon, it’s the rare form you’ll be looking for.

    Anyway, getting on a high dose of methylfolate changed my life, life from night to day, I’m not kidding. I still take medication for anxiety and depression, but the methylfolate helps them to function like they’re supposed to.

    Again, it’s not a fix for everyone, but on the off chance you have it, I’d check it out.

  • Yeah, I’m a woman fascinated by true crime. Watching/listening/reading about it just helps me to feel more… aware of how shit can go down. For example, a couple was murdered after a man snuck in behind their car as they pulled into their garage. He was caught on servalience camera, dressed in all black with his face covered. You can watch him very clearly as he easily slips in before the garage door closes. Once that door closed, that couple were goners.

    You bet your ass I make damn sure no one has snuck into my garage before I close the door.

    Like, obviously you’ll never be able to catch everything, or be so watchful that nothing ever happens to you, but I just feel a lot better knowing what to look out for.

    I also love watching interrogation breakdowns, because if I’m ever in a situation where I’m being interrogated, I want to make damn sure I know how to protect myself.

    So basically yeah, your wife is correct.

  • I started slow jogging every other day, using an app called Just Run that has you alternate walking/running until you’re built up to running a full 3k. It goes for 9 weeks and I just completed week 6. There’s a 10k version I’ll be moving on to after.

    On the days I don’t run, I use Chloe Ting weight-training videos on YouTube to target areas I need strength support in, like my lower back and shoulders. I also use her cool down routine every day, it’s the best stretching video I’ve found.

    I’ve also been fasting every Monday. Just nothing but coffee (which I do put some sweetener and milk in in the morning) and water.

    I only weigh myself once my period has come and gone, since I tend to fluctuate about 10 lbs during. I weighed myself about 3 weeks ago and I’ve lost 13 lbs. I’ve just now started seeing and feeling a change.