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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • India is a world leader when countries are ranked by population. It’s time will come, as the middle class grows and imports from other nations increase, but that is not happening in the next 5 years in my opinion.

    India’s inability to remove the caste system leads IMHO to an equivalent of middle eastern country’s inability to allow women a meaningful place in their society, and is a massive hindrance to reaching its potential socially and economically.

    On the positive side, absolutely has the best cuisine in the world

  • A man named Michel Thomas created a series of audio lessons to teach a number of languages, including German. He does it in a simulated classroom type of environment where one “student” makes common mistakes and he corrects them, so you get to hear someone else make the mistake first.

    He also teaches you the necessary words to enable you to start understanding others speaking he language quickly. I found combining this with Duolingo and the super cheesy Extr@s TV series (once you have the basics) allowed me to go from 0 to speaking to people within 6 weeks and understanding 95% within 6 months.

    I learnt Spanish and German from his audiobooks. They are worth the money if you can afford it and/or cannot pirate it.

  • Because no one will click on links they can easily dismiss as stupid. By creating a new term means it is not immediately understandable and we are encouraged to listen to/read a “new” way of thinking IMHO.

    Will we as people become direct property of companies? Probably not. Will the working class continue to be in debt to a ruling class and need to provide labour to pay this debt for the foreseeable future? Probably. Is this distinction even important? Debatable.