• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The SI system is a metric system and also defines the use of the words describing powers of ten. The use of kiloseconds also isn’t wrong, it just means 1000 seconds, obviously. But it only makes sense in context (for example short lived isotopes).

    The same way “Megameter” is formally correct but no one uses it because there is rarely a context where this was useful.

  • With the difference that the industrial revolution created a lot of new jobs with better pay. While AI doesn’t. I see people suggesting that this has happened before and soon it will turn the economic situation into something much better. But I don’t see that at all. Just because it’s also a huge revolution, doesn’t mean it will have the same effects.

    As you have written, people will have to switch into manual jobs like layering bricks and wiping butts. The pay in these jobs won’t increase just because more people have to work them.

  • Your fear is in so far justified as that some employers will definitely aim to reduce their workforce by implementing AI workflow.

    When you have worked for the same employer all this time, perhaps you don’t know, but a lot of employers do not give two shits about code quality. They want cheap and fast labour and having less people churning out more is a good thing in their eyes, regardless of (long-term) quality. May sound cynical, but that is my experience.

    My prediction is that the income gap will increase dramatically because good pay will be reserved for the truly exceptional few. While the rest will be confronted with yet another tool capitalists will use to increase profits.

    Maybe very far down the line there is blissful utopia where no one has to work anymore. But between then and now, AI would have to get a lot better. Until then it will be mainly used by corporations to justify hiring less people.

  • Do you know any platform that only offers digital stuff that’s not buyable in a “good” way? Because I don’t. That pirates pretend to ride some moral high horse is a cope that’s incredibly disrespectful towards creators.

    I feel in online communities like the Fediverse there is an active community of people who do not respect work of people who aren’t working in tech or science. Or maybe it’s predominantly a disrespect for creatives? I see this in discussions about AI image generators as well. And it’s basically the same set of arguments that try to suggest artist should work for free.

    They just have to add “get a real job and do your hobbies in your free time” and we have full circled back into the boomer mindset.

  • There is enough open source and free and dirt cheap content available already that you can’t play in a lifetime. While I agree that stuff that’s too expensive for the majority of people shouldn’t even exist, I don’t see why creative content should be free for the taking in a society that doesn’t support that way of life yet. Unless you also agree that people should be allowed to take everything else for free as well.

  • So I hope you check beforehand if that’s actually the case for the specific product you pirate. What I am seeing is that people just pirate everything because they do not respect the creators. From digital art, to indie works in movies, games and music. People pirate because they have the deeply capitalist mindset that if you can pay less (or nothing) for something you should. Even if that means the person that put in the labour and skills has less because of your behaviour.