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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • First off: Not a pediatrician. Babies do not have a fully developed immune system. As such, a number of “unrefined, natural” foods such as honey can be critical due to the heavy bacterial load (don’t worry, honey is perfectly safe for you). Cooked meat should not be an issue, I wouldn’t do raw meat tho’. In fact, my first “proper” meal was apparently beef with carrots.

  • Certainly not a computer expert, but consider the option that the battery on your motherboard might be running low. If the hardware itself is older, I would try swapping the button cell. I’ve seen many weird issues get resolved this way, although in theory it should not mess up anything but system time.

  • It’s not really an investment thing from my POV. Sure, throwing money at it will speed up research a bit, but there are a huge number of challenges that need to be overcome first, the biggest of these would probably be tissue perfusion - cells tend to die due to lack of nutrients and oxygen. Way too many issues with printing right now. Xenografts are a safer and quicker bet right now because you need to consider immunogenics anyway - if you can’t make pig hearts work, you likely won’t get patient-specific implants to work either. It’s not quite as easy as just 3D-Printing patient stem cells.