• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • My take is that the afterlife comes in three phases, yes phases because as much as it gives the fundies a hard-on there’s literally nothing humanly possible to do that could justify a permanent state of the worst torment imagineable.

    Phase 1, atonement, you do the hard work for the souls you’ve harmed in your life to forgive you and release the chains that bind your soul.

    Phase 2, forgiveness, you do the harder work of forgiving what wrongs have been done to you. Those chains hold you to your material existence, and you have to let go of them to be ready to move on.

    Phase 3, reunion, the veil behind which no eyes may see. All you’ll know is that by now anyone you haven’t met yet from your life has done the soul rending work you have and walked beyond it. They’re on the other side, and they’re waiting for you to join them, what that’ll look like, probably some 4-D amalgamation of every heaven or paradise or state of eternal bliss ever foretold by human words, and yet also none of those things, because not only do we not understand it, doing the hard work of being forgiven and doing all the forgiving is what it takes for you to be ready to understand it. I think it is what specifically god spoke of when they said they are both and yet neither of human binaries, and incomprehensible in their true essence to the human mind.

  • I refuse to believe that there isn’t a secret containment plan that all nuclear powers are coerced into agreeing to that basically gives every other nuclear power the right to intervene and secure the nukes from paramilitaries and terrorists in the event of state collapse.

    The only reason I would presume NK isn’t in on it is because everyone’s agreed by now that if they fall it’s gonna be a race between China and South Korea for who can press a legitimate claim first.

  • Don’t worry, if Kyiv’s getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you’d have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D

    More seriously, someone’s really gotta figure out how to attack the nuclear arms specifically. Putin is making it obvious that the world will never be safe if there’s even the remotest chance some lunatic could gain the ability to fire those things.

    It would have to be the fastest military operation ever conducted in human history, but if it worked, it would save the world.

  • That’s not how GDP works

    Edit to elaborate, GDP is calculated based on final goods and services, outsourced work exclusively counts towards the GDP of the country that work is done in, and only affects the GDP of another country when they buy what the first country made, but the outsourced work still happens in country A, so country A gets all the GDP created by selling finished goods, and all the GDP of the work done on unfinished products within their borders.

    Basically, the US isn’t sitting on everyone else’s money, it just genuinely makes and sells that much shit

  • Part of it is that America just has an insane amount of resource richness even compared to historical empires of it’s comparative influence.

    Let me try to explain it in agricultural terms. America is a nation of immigrants, and yet a common phenomenon is an observed disconnect between what Americans consider local cuisine from a given country and what people from that country today consider average cuisine of their culture.

    This is because those immigrants were the tired, the poor, the hungry masses yearning to be free. The cuisine they brought was the stuff people would make to subsist as peasants, notice how many different varieties of “take this basic grain as a filler then layer on bitsins and fixins to give it flavor and nutrition.” Meanwhile in the home country, cuisine culture continued to be defined by the elites who had already been defining it. What’s really interesting is that the cuisine brought by the poor, did not stay pauper meals.

    This is because America as a country is so packed to the gills with farmable land that ingredients considered a rarity for sheer cost in “the old country” were abundant to the point of being cheap. American serving sizes are so big because they were pioneered by people who were thanking god that they could be that big. Chop Sui literally was just “whatever you can throw in the pot, serve it up!”, tacos and sandwiches were invented basically to maximize the flavor and nutrition of expensive fresh ingredients on limited supply, Pizza has roots as the equivalent of a street pretzel in NYC.

    Imagine if someone took the NYC pretzel, moved to a land of unheard-of plenty unseen by human eyes thus far, and decided to spice that pittily ass bread and salt with choice of topping by loading that shit with the most unimaginably luxurious ingredients they could conceive of because that shit is all cheap there. That’s the story of Pizza. That’s what happened to basically every peasant food culture that made contact with the US and its because American resource richness is just that unprecedented for anyone who isn’t from America already to conceive of.

    Stalin once stated that WWII was won with, “British Intelligence, American Steel, and Soviet Blood.”, but America wasn’t just a factory for the world, the American kitchen put into that war just as hard as the American foundry, arguably more, America’s first casualties of the war were the merchant marines who faced U-Boats head on to run food aid to the British public and anywhere else they could slip past the Nazis.

    We got so much shit we will literally give it to you for free sometimes

    That is how 4% of the world population ends up sitting on 25% of its GDP

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoGames@lemmy.worldSonic's googles
    3 days ago

    I both agree and disagree, I think Sonic does have normal eyes and those are his goggles, but I don’t think those are all the white of his eyes as we see them.

    I think they look white just because that’s how the light reflects off them and they’re actually polarized lenses to help him see even when he’s traveling through deep sunset or sunrise when shit’s at its most blinding, or through brightly lit cities that can hit pedestrians with heavy glare.