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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • I know you’re asking for a single place to go, which isn’t going to happen until “modern” places that were captured by Google and the like turn into the old places. Sometimes you can dig into old archives and find pieces of things that were digitized. Put enough of them together and you might get some answers. It’s difficult and very regional dependent on what was done over the decades. Just finding an online copy of old highway maps is a challenge, and I figured that would be easy. But if you can find some sources, it’s fascinating to try and overlay old and new and see just how much has (and hasn’t) changed. I’ve found old roads in my area that were cut up by newer and by lots of development, but are still there, just not connected in the same way.

  • Spore made a huge impact, not only in mainstreaming the idea of an evolving game but in the ability to control characteristics and shape interactively and easily. Plus being able to share creations online was huge, even though so many of them ended up in certain shapes (humans being humans). Where I think Spore failed is in trying to rush through the first stages and get to the “civilization” parts. It would have better if it had a slower pace staying within the animal world. They also failed when they dumbed down and sanitizing the original game, which was much more violent (see the demo with Robin Williams)…but that’s how nature is.

    Thrive is very impressive, but it might be too realistic in its complexity and trying to include everything and that will keep it from getting popular. If I remember you can dial it back some, but it’s still very technical compared to the simplicity that made Spore work. Maybe there can’t be a good middle ground.

  • Correct, because it’s a heat mover. Literally it’s heating the outside with the inside heat it pulls. All A/C units have a delta change they can manage (difference between inside and outside), the next (or first) step to take is better insulation to require less heat to move at a given time.

  • To a point. Temperature alone isn’t the issue, humidity is the factor. We are exothermic creatures and produce internal heat we have to get rid of. If sweating begins to lose effectiveness due to high moisture already in the air, we slowly start to cook ourselves inside and organs begin to fail.

    I’ve lived in the south too, you can absolutely get used to the higher variations after a few years. Except when it starts getting higher than you can biologically cope. Just ask people in countries hotter than the U.S. south who have lived fine with the heat for centuries who are now faced with possible death as things get both hotter and wetter there.

    Or just read the first chapter of The Ministry for the Future, it’s online.

  • If it looks to potentially reduce Republican votes, then Republicans will just compensate by more effort trying to restrict certain demographics and areas from getting their vote in. They never have been supportive of everyone getting a chance to vote, it skews things towards the left. Anyone still remember when Karl Rove lost his mind on live TV because he knew what the numbers should have been had everything gone to plan, and liberals getting more votes was inconceivable to him.

  • Rhaedas@fedia.iotomemes@lemmy.worldYou get paid for that?
    1 month ago

    The problem is that the cost doesn’t match the reward. I’d be totally fine with a 90/10 split for just a punch in the face. I’ll be over the injury in a week with a lot more than I started with. Raise the cost to losing an arm or leg for a cut, then even 50/50 seems a bit low as the victim’s life has changed but the other’s hasn’t.

    I do agree with punching economists in the face more, just in principle.

  • Same here. When I stop at a stop sign and there is a car behind me, I routinely take bets in my head to see if the next car just goes through it. Most often they do. Running red lights is another…if you are at a red light waiting for it to change to green, always wait a split second before going and also give a glance both ways. Don’t assume because the light is good there isn’t someone trying to beat the red. Or just going through an obvious red because they’re more important than everyone else in their head. I’ve gone through many a yellow light thinking to myself that I really cut it close, then I notice one or even more people have followed me through the intersection. Boy they get upset too if you actually stop for that yellow.

  • If anything I think the development of actual AGI will come first and give us insight on why some organic mass can do what it does. I’ve seen many AI experts say that one reason they got into the field was to try and figure out the human brain indirectly. I’ve also seen one person (I can’t recall the name) say we already have a form of rudimentary AGI existing now - corporations.