• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • This was fantastic information. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my post, I sincerely appreciate it.

    I actually came from a previous retail background as well, and built a small business from 1 location making $1.5 million annually to four locations making $20 million annually in 6.5 years. The owner made the decision to sell the business after surviving all of the stress during COVID, and that is what started me back on my education journey.

    I developed basically every system in that business myself from the ground up, through blood sweat and tears. So for this next chapter of my life I am looking to take my career more in the tech mercenary direction for lack of a better term where I am out to focus on developing my own skills in order to live the life I want to live on my own terms as much as is reasonably possible.

    So, your advice really resonates with me, and was an extremely valuable addition to my thought process.

  • There you go with that projection again. You have made repeated assertions about atheism being a religion, and then followed that up by hyper-generalizing the behaviors of atheists that you view as being part of that religion. Yet you have the audacity to tell me that I’m the one with the unchecked bigotry when I never said a fucking thing about your religious beliefs. I never attempted to generalize you based on what they may or may not be, nor do I fucking care. If only you possesed the capability or willingness to understand irony…

    Look tons of fun, even though I could sit here all day and poke holes in your piss poor arguments that lack any sort of self-awareness, I’m going to go do something more productive with my life. You can feel free to have the last word, so you can go mentally masterbate about winning this conversation, and continue feeding your pathetic delusions that you want to pass off as well reasoned positions. I promise, I won’t lose any sleep over it sweetheart 😘

  • I have no illusions about the fact that I am not smarter than everyone else. However, I can say with absolutely certainty that I am smarter than you. Unfortunately for both of us that isn’t saying much because you set the bar pretty damn low.

    I also think it’s quite humorous that you are generalizing atheists as having an unjustifiable sense of moral superiority when that literally describes your entire public facing persona on Lemmy.

    Seems like maybe there’s some things you don’t like about yourself, and you’re projecting those insecurities on people who will not share them for reasons that make no fucking sense.

  • Riccosuave@lemmy.worldtoAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldKnock knock!
    5 months ago

    Atheism is the rejection of faith bases claims about gods or deities that do not sufficiently meet their burden of proof. It is not a belief system, it is not a worldview, and it certainly is not a religion. This is the kind of fallacious argumentation that people generally like to use when they know they believe things without reason and against all reason. It is a deflection that allows one to ignore the flaws in their own thinking by asserting that everyone must share their same intellectual dishonesty. No amount of you attempting to pass off these fallacious arguments in order to cope with this reality will ever change the fact that atheism is not a religion in any sense of the word.

  • The single most insufferable person I have ever had the displeasure of hearing communicate verbally in my three decades of life on this planet.

    I’m not sure if you’re interested in the atheist debate sphere at all, if you are then you should give him a listen. He’s a Catholic apologist and presuppositionalist who debates on Discord.

    Be warned though, he is fucking awful. If you listen to him debate for more than 30 minutes in one sitting you’re liable to suffer psychological trauma. He’s that bad, not kidding.

  • Not gonna lie, as someone in their 30’s that just returned to higher education this kicked me right in the dick. I was a great student, and loved school until I was enrolled in a Christian middle school where my education tanked (especially math & science). Then in ended up in a good quality high school where my first science teacher had no consideration for the missed concepts that I had no way of knowing about, and so I barely passed his class. The same thing happened to me in math where I ended up in Algebra II, but had missed many of the ways the curriculum was taught in their school system so I struggled. This, along with the fact that I had serious life turmoil from 11-21 caused me to give up on education. (everyone in my family died, including two suicides, except my mom who was checked out at the time dealing with estate shit)

    Anyway, feels really bad to be so far behind the curve on mathematics especially, but I have been soaking up the course work through Khan Academy like a sponge. I feel like I have learned more concepts more thoroughly through that free resource in the last 6 months that I did in the entire 12 years of school. I started at Algebra I, and am now moving on to Geometry. My goal is to make it through at least pre-calculus as my desired career field is technology. If you have any insight or resources on math education I am all ears.