Kericake🥕 (They(/It))

Also maybe Riikka, or maybe formerly Riikka.
Meep :3
They/Them, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Has been rescued…? ominous music plays

  • 0 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • spoiler

    The article states that Sonny “grooms” Marie to be a housewife but she’s clearly written to want to be. There’s a difference between “look, these games are gross because you the player/player character coerce some poor girl into slaving away at home cooking and cleaning and raising kids for you” and “look, these games are gross because the writers made a character wanna be a tradwife with a job.”

    I had other stuff written but apparently didn’t post any of that. Bleh. Tired now, not gonna agree (nor stop getting silently downvoted, gotta love that) anyway. Off I go ö/

  • [Sarcastic ‘translation’] tl;dr: A lot of people who are relatively well-placed to understand how much technology is involved even in downvoting this post are downvoting this post because they’re afraid of technology!

    Just more fad-worshipping foolishness, drooling over a buzzword and upset that others call it what it is. I want it to be over but I’m sure whatever comes next will be just as infuriating. Oh no, now our cursors all have to change according to built-in (to the cursor, somehow, for some reason) software that tracks our sleep patterns! All of our cursors will be obsolete (?!??) unless they can scalably synergize with the business logic core to our something or other 😴

  • Stack-based funs! Forth, min, Cat, something like that :3

    Which isn’t to say that I think they should necessarily take over for C or Kotlin or Lua or anything at all, just I think they’re kinda neat and like to see more neat things around. Also please someone Forthify some CodeWars katas or otherwise bring us Forth enjoyers some fresh ones 😅

  • I don’t hate you, I just hate your one-indexed table-shaped horror language ;P

    But actually would anyone really hate someone for liking Lua? I hope not. That’s weird, even as someone who finds the language kinda obnoxious. Maybe I’m reading too much into the “hate” part and it wasn’t meant so severely 😅