Oh, that’s easy to clean up. Just open explorer, go to desktop, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+X, make a new folder called 2025-Jan, and then inside of that folder, Ctrl+V. Problem solved, forever.
Oh, that’s easy to clean up. Just open explorer, go to desktop, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+X, make a new folder called 2025-Jan, and then inside of that folder, Ctrl+V. Problem solved, forever.
They’re secure. Absolutely more secure than going without. I know a total of about two passwords, which are used in only two places.
The rest of my passwords look like PaB@@f%G4q77Mh#EsL%DG@
Keepass uses a file you keep on your own computer, encrypted, with two passwords. One password (a keyfile) is stored on your disk. The other you remember. With that much security, you can give someone your password database and it’s unlikely they’ll ever open it. If you’re ultra paranoid, you use keepass.
Bitwarden is more convenient, more user friendly, and stored in the cloud. It’s open source and audited. If someone breached Bitwarden, it’d be huge news.
Not having a password manager, besides being a huge pita, is more of a security risk. I bet you use the same password on different sites, maybe with a variation based on the domain name. You likely often have trouble remembering passwords, and might try several passwords if your first try fails. All this is information you could be giving away if the site is compromised.
I never forget a username or password anymore. If the site tells me I’m wrong, I know it’s them and not me.
Plus Passkeys are pretty great and are starting to be supported.
Also get a password manager of some kind. Keepass and Bitwarden are both great. Never have this problem again.
Doesn’t seem like a super reliable source. I just grabbed the first result I googled.
I got it from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1bg323c/oc_reddit_traffic_by_country_2024/
It lists worldpopulationreview.com on the image.
There this statista link which has similar numbers and sounds more detailed, but still doesn’t have sources available. Google’s AI points to statista.
So nothing definitive. But I certainly expect that most users are from the US.
I could see the numbers being a little different for Lemmy, but I don’t expect that they’re wildly different.
On Boost for Android. Am I helping?
My point was for people who are scared to leave Twitter. They don’t have to. They can just dip their toes in while still holding their Elon-themed blanket.
I understand that often you can’t just drop the platform where all the engagement is when your job is to promote something. However, you can still enable people who do want to make the switch.
I now have a dozen comments on Reddit in the last year, up from 3 an hour ago.
The thing about Mastodon for influencers is… you don’t even have to leave Twitter. Just post to both.
If enough people get into that habit, it makes the transition much easier for everyone.
It blows my mind that places like the transit systems that were on Twitter haven’t migrated over to their own Mastodon server. They’re not that hard to set up, and there’s so little risk when you just don’t accept public signups on your domain.
So you don’t know your history.
I’ll take a look. And yeah, the intention was the opposite, to poke pinholes into those crazy, reality-denying philosophies.
Yeah, make sure it’s .gov. Don’t go through a middle man that does the same thing while charging a fee.
I’m aware your questions are rhetorical, but I’m going to answer them anyway. Your questions are just so spot on.
Was she actually being taking advantage of?
Did the friend of a friend know that would happen so he set us up to take the fall for it?
Maybe. It doesn’t have to be that Machiavellian. Maybe he didn’t know what to do and was just looking for an out. Not an excuse. Could be similar feelings whether he’s the abuser or relatively innocent.
How in the world did those things cancel each other out especially with no investigation into it.
Cops don’t like paperwork. Paperwork can mean accountability. If nothing’s written, they can’t get lectured for doing it wrong.
Out of all the shit I’ve seen on social media in the last 15 years, you might actually be the worst.
I don’t understand what you’re trying to say or why. I’m generally not clicking random youtube videos.
Is this a piefed thing I’m too Lemmy to understand?
Still not as much influence as Pooh bear.
Where was that file? Oh, My Documents/Old Desktops/2023 November/2023 April/2022 December. Of course.