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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • There is no section 15 or 16 in GPLv3, but I did find section 7 saying:

    Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or

    But that’s an optional thing that you must add onto the GPLv3 license. I’ll have to keep that in mind for the future.

    That would explain why what I’ve read mentioned it’s not guaranteed in GPLv3 (when comparing to MIT). I’ll have to figure out what that notice would look like.

  • I don’t care if people make money to use my code. I just want my name attached to it somehow, even if you make it closed sourced which is MIT and OpenBSD. I hope you do use my code and even if you heavily reference it to make something new, carry that forward so more can learn and benefit.

    I also don’t understand “better for the end user” arguments either. I have a library that people want to be included in another project, but that project is GPL. They won’t merge my code unless I change my code to be GPL. So everyone who wants them merged is out of luck. I can’t merge their code either with mine. What is supposed to happen is I freely give up my name to the code and restrict it to only being GPL and for GPL projects. Essentially, assimilate and join with the Borg. No, thanks.

    And while that’s from my experience, I’ve also seen good projects get traction, have excitement over it, and fall off the earth because they end up making it GPL. Everyone interested in adopting it, personal or business, just disappear. Then something with less restrictions comes along and gets adopted.

    End-users move to what’s better for them, and if you have a library that is only for GPL, you can end up limiting your options with a wasteful purity test. If you want it to be free you’d give freely with no restrictions. And if you think, “You can contact me to discuss licensing” that doesn’t happen. It’s still a restriction and almost nobody actually bothers.

  • ShortFuse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzMonopoly
    2 months ago

    That’s three ad-hominem attacks. But sure, those are your “arguments”. Well argued. /s

    But of course, when you have nothing meaningful to say, you just attack people. I guess that’s to be expected. Just blame the person when you get called out. You could have taken this as a lesson and admitted you were wrong, and learned, but you decided to double down and insult people instead. Well argued.

  • ShortFuse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzMonopoly
    2 months ago

    Stop deflecting and stop trying to gaslight me. If prisons are the same as jails in this regard then why dispute? Why even bring it up? You’re retroactively trying to save face.

    I am fully aware how prisons and jails are similar and how they are different. You’re the one who was trying to correct somebody and then got downvoted to oblivion.

    Oh, but now you were just randomly bringing an unrelated technical point about how jails can hold innocent people now that you’ve been confronted with the facts. /s

  • ShortFuse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzMonopoly
    2 months ago

    I don’t have to distract with cheap ad-hominem attacks when I can quote your words right back to you:

    Prison. Not jail.

    Jails are temporary holding areas until you get to see a judge. Which means you could still be innocent at that point.

  • ShortFuse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzMonopoly
    2 months ago

    Yep. That’s the right definition. Not what you said. You said jail is for innocent people. You also said the definition doesn’t differ no matter where you are and the link clearly defined the US can have a different interpretation (see interchangeable use).

  • ShortFuse@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzMonopoly
    2 months ago

    You should read what you link to (emphasis mine).

    Jail and prison are often used interchangeably as places of confinement. If you want to be specific jail can be used to describe a place for those awaiting trial or held for minor crimes, whereas prison describes a place for criminals convicted of serious crimes.

    You said:

    Jails are temporary holding areas until you get to see a judge. Which means you could still be innocent at that point.

    You can be convicted and in jail, which makes perfect sense in Monopoly, since it’s generally for a shorter period of time. They are both synonymous for the purpose of imprisoning somebody but different on how drastic the crimes you are behind bar for. In my opinion you should be in jail for minor crimes and not put in prison and it’s perfect for Monopoly.

  • ShortFuse@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldTemperatur
    2 months ago

    2.54cm is easier for me because I do 2.04x + ½x.

    8 inches? 16.32 + 4 = 20.32

    12? 24.48 + 6 = 30.48

    30? 61.20 + 15 = 76.20

    60? 122.40 + 30 = 152.40

    I don’t know why, but I find this easier. Maybe because it’s 4x, 2x, and ½ and my brain doesn’t like adding 32 and working in 1.8.