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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • Cosmic horror is a close up on a man in a bowler hat’s face in totally despair and creeping towards madness as lights and colors play across their face, screams of terror and pleasure crescendo giving way to Ode to Joy sung by a thousand angels, the man’s face begins to laugh and contort, his eyes drift to the sides of his head his skull reshapes into non-euclidian shapes, angles that shouldn’t exist, rubbery, and clear, a hand neither plant nor animal created from the remains of transdimentional beingings beyond comprehension and all known preception from a three dimentional mind space consume the rubbery man, in ecstasy.

    Egberton Fleggious closes the Tome bound in the flesh of his beloved Sagithhorg, sickness drawing up from the soles of his feet, his head trembling with thoughts he will never be free from. In the distance he hears faint laughing. Drawing slowly closer. With every heartbeat.

  • Snowclone@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldChurch of Jesus Christ
    6 days ago

    Technically Mormanism blame people, not God for this, everything in the church is done unanimously, and they had to wait for the last leadership person who was overly racist to die before they could do this.

    But also, the belief is that people recieve from God what they are capable of hearing and understanding, God didn’t change his mind, people just didn’t listen or even ask the right question in the past to get this information. Lastly, both Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young said as prophecy specifically that the church would admit African heritage people into the church and into the priesthood, Smith likely ment it would happen in his lifetime, but he was too busy ‘secretly’ marrying and having sex with 10 or 12 teenage girls, poor guy must have been exhausting, before someone caught him and he had to get a bunch of revelation on how he wasn’t just banging teenage girls because he wanted to, but because you know. God said. Anyway he was busy with the sex and also a group of followers decided after this all came to light to dress up in black and shoot him. So. He never got around to it. Young on the other hand probably ment like ‘‘when pigs fly’’ kind of ‘it’ll happen’. He was pretty deeply racist, his time frame wasn’t like SOON.

    Here’s my advice, don’t bother with the theology, just push the whole thing off the table and don’t care. Would have saved me a lot of time. When you engage with the actual theology it’s just… so fucking time consuming.

  • A realistic alternative? The occupant owns the dwelling. That removes the problem entirely. People can’t afford to buy? Well if you can’t own residential property you don’t live in. Prices will correct.

    Alternatively, the government historically has given most middle class Americans the majority of their generational wealth through land gift programs, then you gave first time homeowner loans, which could easily be retooled to give the property to those living there and have all payments go towards ownership,

    There’s so many options better than someone fucking you in the ass as hard as they can so you can bearly survive.

  • The current method is auto deleting nsfw images. Doesn’t matter how you got there, it detects nsfw it dumps it, you never get an image. Besides that gating nsfw content generation behind a pay wall or ID wall. It would stop a lot of teenagers. Not all, but it would put a dent in it. There are also AI models that will allow some nsfw if it’s clearly in an artistic style, like a watercolor painting, but will kick nsfw realism or photography, rendered images, that sort of thing. These are usually both in the prompt mode, paint in/out, and image reference mode, generation of likely nsfw images, and after generating a nsfw check before delivering the image. AI services are antisipating full on legal consequences for allowing any nsfw or any realistic, photographic, cgi, image of a living person without their consent, it’s easy to see that’s what they are prepared for.

  • Snowclone@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldFacts
    13 days ago

    If we were just a few years short of total collapse in a socialist or communist economic system, would it be OK to call either system bad?

    I’ve worked for so many retail corporations that are so single minded to quarterly earning going up to push stock prices up, they don’t even care how much money they actually make, and what they pay people. You can make 2mil a day, and they will fire everyone and close the store because it wasn’t 2.000002mil. A lot of things are breaking.

  • God Damn. You’re REALLY hung up on a lot of shit I didn’t say. I’m sorry man, I never said ‘‘full MAGA’’ if you really want to have a Harvard debate about very specific words, then you don’t get to put words in my mouth. I’m sorry you can’t grasp what I did say, because it’s not what you’re losing your shit about.

    Lets try again.

    if you want to understand who Joe Rogan is and what he does with his platform. -->YOU <–need to look at what he signal boosts. That’s content he chooses to talk about or people he books and how he treats the content, with questioning, or passively presenting. -->YOU<-- need to look at the talking points he uses. -->YOU<-- need to understand what the alt right pipeline is, and consider if Rogan is a part of it or not, willingly or not, by your own understanding.

    You responded to this by saying I can’t prove Rogen is ‘‘full MAGA’’, which is SHIT I NEVER SAID, because I can’t comb through thousands of hours of his show and find EXACTLY the definition you personally have decided ‘‘full MAGA’’ means.

    I’m not your teacher, I’m not holding your hand and presenting information you will arbitrarily reject or not.

    Like I said before. YOU need to look into it. Or, you can be ignorant. The choice is yours.

  • Because that dosen’t effect what he’s doing now. Trump was exclusively a Democrat most of his life. Who he’s been for the last 8 years is a much bigger deal than who he has been before no matter the time.

    If to want to seriously consider what Rogan does with his platform, you need to look at what he signal boosts, and what taking points he repeats, and if he’s a part of the alt fight pipeline. That’s what matters right now. If that drastically changes a year from now, it also becomes pretty irrelevant to what he’s currently doing.