
  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Because the dudes playing Football are the peak of talent and skill for it, and I don’t like getting concussions. The ones playing Minecraft et. al. are largely random dipshits who are good at being entertaining, not skillful at the game itself. Also I don’t get concussions from playing Fortnite, just brainrot.

  • Isn’t this what upvotes and downvotes are for?

    If they let up and downvotes run the site there’d be dicks on the front page of r/aww on the daily.

    10% is a really strict cutoff for people that make things as a hobby.

    I always explained it thusly when I modded: We don’t want a content creator with a reddit account, we want a redditor who does some content creation. Plenty of site to participate in and plenty to talk/post about that doesn’t involve your thing.

    I don’t know the particulars in your case nor am I especially interested in going on reddit to learn them but if that mod is saying tone it back some, then tone it back some. Tone it back more then the 10% so it doesn’t look like you’re trying to game the system too much.

  • When a new episode of a Disney series comes out, a post is made promoting it and no one is warned for self promotion despite the post very likely coming from Disney Marketing

    Situational. There are absolutely folks obsessed with meaningless internet points who are all too eager to get that first post about Herp Derp: The Series, a D list celeb from that show you liked dying, or crossposting a meme about birds to every bird, meme, bird meme and meme bird subreddit out there. Gallowboob got a literal job from doing it. This doesn’t mean that bots aren’t doing it as well, just that sometimes they aren’t necessary.

  • Thry allowed the jailbait subreddit for years, nearly subreddit of the year at one point. It was a subheader for reddit on google even. Big news report? Now its gone.

    They allowed Fatpeoplehate for years. One of the most active subs on the site, and absolutely poisoned the rest of it with their rhetoric. Then they went after some imgur staff and got banned with the quickness… and a few months later you could host your images on reddit. The lines there aren’t too difficult to read between.

    The_Donald was allowed to be shit for years, but once Trump was on his way out, then they banned it.

    reddit operates reactively, not proactively.