• 0 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • You’re got to be kidding. The post is about right to work laws. It includes a summary of what that means, plus links for more information. So you downvoted because OP didn’t compare and contrast two unrelated laws or write a dissertation on how right to work laws vary by state/county/city. Laws that by definition literally only do one thing. This shit is why people don’t post more.

    To highlight how ridiculous your comment is, I’ll help OP out and provide what you found to be so lacking. I know this is going to make OP look pretty bad, so I’m sure they’ll provide at least a partial refund of what you paid for their post.

    At-will employment: you can be fired for anything not protected by law.

    Right to work laws: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues.

    Compare: they are applied to employees Contrast: neither does anything similar

    For my next trick, I’ll provide specific relevant application for local law scenarios by state.

    Alabama: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Arkansas: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Georgia: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Idaho: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Indiana: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Iowa: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Kansas: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Kentucky: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Louisiana: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Michigan: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Mississippi: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Nebraska: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    North Carolina: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    North Dakota: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Oklahoma: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    South Carolina: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    South Dakota: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Tennessee: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Texas: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Utah: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Virginia: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Washington: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    West Virginia: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Wisconsin: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

    Wyoming: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

  • It’s all so melodramatic. I’ll take a jaunt into the comments sections of these posts once in awhile to see what the libs are clutching their pearls over now. Today we have:

    Oh nooooo, a dev is a ban happy shithead! How unusual and extreme! Better raise the banner and gather the troops, the tankies are coming for us all! We must defederate and/or fork a parallel Lemmy because only tankies have weird ban happy power trips! This will solve all the issues!

    On the bright side, block op and the surprisingly small number of the other more vocal tankie drama lords and it gets a lot quieter.

  • StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    You’re being reductionist to the point of losing the actual point but, if we assume you’re doing so in good faith, then yes. Without a doubt yes. Given a choice between a person’s feelings being hurt and a person getting physically hurt, the latter should win, especially when the only reason those feelings are hurt is because the person refuses to try to understand why or is so fragile they’re unable to handle criticism.

    Most men I know aren’t made uncomfortable by this and, so far, the only ones who do have their feelings hurt are absolutely the ones women should choose the bear over. Not because they’re bad people, but because an important point is being made and instead of trying to understand, they dig their heels in, refuse to understand, and now gripe about being victims because people are talking about things they don’t want to think about.

  • StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt does feel like that.
    3 months ago

    So much anime. I finally understand what some users must feel about the Linux posts when I decided I was tired of seeing fang moe, cyber moe, cozy moe, coffee moe, sword moe, and other seemingly endless permutations on the *moe theme. Blocking one community seems to result in two taking its place, like some kind of hydra moe.