Wingspan is really great plus it has stunning visuals too!
Wingspan is really great plus it has stunning visuals too!
Been using it myself since it launched, been loving it so far! Got it active on everything except my terminal.
I feel ya on this one… its magically good.
On my distro(Bazzite), /mnt is only a symlink to /var/mnt. Not sure why, but only found out the other day.
Ohhh I’ve meant to try out netbootxyz for a while now, thanks for the reminder!
Thanks for sharing! What size is your usb-stick?
I am starting to understand why.
Personally just grabbed it from their release page: Then dropped those files into my ~/.fonts, directory.
I think… he’s trying to make fun of SUSE. But that one was difficult message to read…
Bazzite is the only one that I have the right one to go with.
Bazzite I can do it on the porch and floor.
Bazzite to be a good time for me and the boys.
Godammit these gave me a good laugh!
May I ask why? Genuinly curious.
Condoms are for dicks*
whaaat no way, are you saying Sony’s new release Concord isn’t killing it with high player counts right now??
Honestly whoever’s making these decisions must have a potato as a head.
While i do agree, snake looks a lot better too. I just wish it was possible to navigate through each parts of the word more easily with ctrl+arrow. That would make it the superiour choice imo.
ive seen it be called both screaming and train case, not sure what the most used term is though.
That’s an interesting logic. You do realise that at least 50% of the groceries in your local store are likely to have been advertised somewhere. Guess you should stop buying groceries too…
it did…they have changed their website a lot these last few days.
This is well cool! You should totally repost this into gaming related communities.