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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I think a lot of people here are pretty spot on with the “cats are just weird, IDK.” But more than that, there are a couple things that I think it might be. A lot of cat quirks are just instincts for outdoor activities that don’t translate indoors but they still have the pull to do it. IT sounds like she’s “digging,” which is a thing wild cats would do for a couple reasons.

    Sometimes they will dig a hole to poop in, then cover it up, but since she’s not then immediately taking a shit in your salad bowl, that’s probably not it.

    It could be a hunting action. Cats dig for bugs often.

    But the most likely, I think, is for fun. Cats are pretty intelligent creatures who’s minds require stimulation, which means they just find a thing to fidget with sometimes and get stuck on it, like a small child making toys out of random junk. If she doesn’t have enough scratching posts, she could be getting that scratching itch out. Or could do with some more toys. Or, again what I find most likely, she did it once and found that bowl to just be a lot of fun. Maybe it’s the texture or she likes the way her paws slip on it differently than other surfaces. Cats are curious, so it being a different surface may have drawn her attention and now it’s a fun toy for her.

    TLDR: cats are just weird, IDK. 🤷

  • I saw that argument and they actually said they put them out after Passover (in spring) then bring them back in when it gets cold. That’s months, right? And they’re not exactly in frigid climes- definitely closer to temperate, so that easily extends well into the late fall.

    Again though, that was written later (A lot later) by someone (who wasn’t there) specifically to try and give a time frame. There’s no way it was an actual description of what happened, but them setting a scene … that has trouble standing up to historical critique.

  • But like, their local tax season, right? From what I remember they had travelled to pay taxes, but the Romans didn’t wait until April like America does.

    Actually, did some quick searching and it looks like the Romans were forcing (I think Jewish people, but it may also have been regional? Sources are giving me different things and I can’t be bothered to log into my account that gives me access to scholarly articles) people to register for a new tax. Since the Romans at the time would usually tax in cycles of like, 5-15 years, if they followed a structured system at all (It also seems like there wasn’t income tax or taxes in individual assets, but they would tax transactions and import/exports mostly). But If I was going to set something like that up, I’d do the registration due near the end of the year. I think they were using the Julian Calendar whish largely lines up with the current day calendar, at least in the year end/beginning. Best guess from what I’ve seen is they likely were there during the Jewish holidays right after the fall harvest.

    So it seems like they waited until after the harvest was done, then had to travel to get registered by end of year and got there and popped out baby jesus around Sept/Oct (ish).

    Of course that’s assuming any of those stories have any validity. Historical consensus is coming around to admitting how little evidence for a biblical Jesus there actually is. Since there are no contemporary writings and all of them were telling this story decades, if not centuries later, it’s super easy to just line up your stories with the way things happened in the past.

  • Also sure, Mamoa is a big guy and fit, but he’s an actor, right? Not a fighter?

    It’s kind of like how Nick Offerman said in an interview once. Everyone sees him as this manly man because of the roles he plays and because he wood-works. But he’s from a real “country” family. A rural farming community where everyone was self-sufficient and real “manly” men type. He’s the one who wanted to be an actor who never has to work with his hands again.

    What I’m saying is those men have jobs where they protect people from physical violence with physical violence. Jason Mamoa pretends to hit people on camera.

  • As it was explained to me by my therapist during my eval, ADHD diagnosis is generally a diagnosis of exclusion because of the huge overlap in symptoms with depression and anxiety. They basically have to rule out both of those and assume it’s ADHD.


    -Unable to focus

    -lack of motivation

    -executive dysfunction

    Anxiety symptoms (sometimes a result living with ADHD):

    -Excessive worry over things needing to be right

    -Sensory input overload

    -Difficulty sleeping

    -Lots of fidgety behavior

    So my advice, in this singular case, is lie to the doctor. Don’t give any impression that there might be potential depression or anxiety issues. Mine was cool in that they also have ADHD so they understand that it can cause some of those symptoms. But it’s real easy when talking to a doc about it to just answer their questions directly and they fill in the gaps with emotional reasons. Especially for women getting diagnosed (There’s still sooo much bias for women getting diagnosed and doctors will subconsciously assign more emotion to things). “Does this worry you?” “Does this make you anxious when it happens?” The answer should be “no.” You feel frustrated because you know it’s something you can do, but those small mistakes still happen." Be honest about the symptoms, but don’t admit to being actively depressed. You may know it’s caused by life stuff and not brain stuff and the ADHD symptoms are always there, even when the depression isn’t, but that’s tough to communicate.

    So when talking about the symptoms, admit to them, but add where you think they’re coming from.

    -Trouble sleeping? - Because I’m finally sitting still, my brain is constantly planning what I need to do. Don’t associate negative feeling with it. You’re not worried about what you need to do, you’re thinking about and planning what and how you need to accomplish them and you can’t turn that off.

    -Unable to focus? - NOT “my brain drifts off and I’m not sure what they were saying” DO say “The person will say a thing that reminds me of something I forgot earlier and while they kept talking my brain continued the train of thought from when I was thinking about that thing before.”

    -Excessive worry over things needing to be right? - That’s a tough one since it’s got “worry” right in there, but you want to avoid talking about actual negative feelings. So you say that when you do a thing, often you’ll make small little mistakes that you would know are mistakes, but you just don’t catch it in the moment (actually another ADHD symptom), so you spend extra time making sure you get it right to avoid that happening.

    That sort of thing. Also, if you’re going to a doctor first, maybe cut them out. Find a therapist or psychiatrist in the area that specializes in ADHD. You can just go right to them. They may have to send their diagnosis to a doctor, so if you don’t trust the ones that have failed so far, you can ask for a recommendation. They know the ones that don’t question their diagnosis unless the patient is clearly drug-seeking.