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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • We’re all kids. We just have responsibility now so we have to pretend we don’t want to sit around and play with Legos all day. None of us have “figured it out” and the only reason it seemed like adults knew what they were doing when we were kids was because adults were old enough to have fucked everything up at least once.

  • I’m a PC gamer and have been since I was a kid. It’s literally my number one thing I do when I have free time is get on some games and hang with the boys. It’s a big part of my life.

    As game companies go, I don’t trust Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Sony, Epic Games… It’s a long list. Valve is the only company I even kinda trust (Which isn’t even that much these days). If Microsoft bought Valve I’d probably never buy a PC game again. Because all the companies selling them would be companies I don’t wanna give money.

    But it’s not true that they were buying it so it’s a moot point. Just wanted to rant. :)

  • TommySoda@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt seems like a lot...
    1 month ago

    I mean I switched to vaping a few years back. Still getting a smokers cough and breathing has barely improved. I should quit completely. Vaping has made it slightly easier, though. But in all honesty, screw the health effects of either I’m just glad I don’t reek of cigarettes anymore. I didn’t realize how absolutely awful my clothes smelt until I switched.

  • While I agree with a lot about what he mentioned. The thing that always irks me when people talk about this is the cost. I understand that there are a lot of factors going into this that make it more expensive to make games. Like inflation, new technology, employee wages, and more actual work. All of these have gotten more expensive and that makes sense. But at the same time I’d say 60% of AAA games that have come out within the last 4 years have been anywhere from mediocre to hot garbage. You dump millions upon millions of dollars into games that nobody wants to play (with a few exceptions, of course) and act all surprised when you don’t make $300 million back. You can’t tell me you didn’t know, at any point in development, that Halo Infinite wasn’t going to sell like hot cakes. Nobody could be that oblivious. There was a good game somewhere in there. The “higher ups” decided to fuck everything up. And those “higher ups” include you, sir.