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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024

  • Fun /s facts i learned recently about Banksy:

    • intentionally does art near low income neighborhoods, thus gentrifying them to all hell
    • he built a hotel 4 miles away from the Gaza Strip that trivialized everything Palestine was going through for the past 78 years, and told a story of how the genocide is “a nuanced and debatable issue”

  • Challenge the assumption: By other means but to a great extent, violence IS being done by our current housing system. Unless you are born into wealth: We’re fucked 6 ways from sunday. There is no middle class, never was.

    We have working class, and then we have elites. If you’re not a C-level executive, you are no more secure…in tech I see many of my peers learning this the hard way with wave after wave of layoffs.

    So don’t ignore the deaths of, evictions of, destabilization of lives and mental well-being, for all of those working 2 jobs and still not able to make rent. Living in their cars, while exectutives call them lazy and entitled. Dehumanization: check.

    In fact, We dont devolve into Anarchism – we advance towards it. It is checks and balances turned up to 11, gardening the weeds against any heirarchy of oppresion that might attempt to emerge.

    If any devolving is happening: “Fasicism is capitalism in decay” about describes it.

    May we yet preempt it’s barbarism.

  • Couple thought experiments for those interested:

    This Subthread addresses how we premempt violent, conquistadoric tendencies (starts at home) – and how we can prevent the reemergence of heirarchies

    This video (and really the whole channel) “dares” to vividly dream; to envision: A world taken back from the clutches of the planetary work machine.

    Capitalist Realism, i suspect, has a Heirarchal sibling, intent on keeping us convinced that “Resistance is Futile.” Therefore Dreaming and “being Utopian” are not only of utility, but crucial and worth celebrating