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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • Different types of sugar are digested at different rates, even if they all taste sweet. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, even allulose are found in fruits I’m different amounts and are all suggested differently. There are also various starches that change digestion taste and some of that (not not all) break down into sugars with amylase in saliva. Different kinds of starches break down at different rates and are digested differently and can alter the sugar absorption. Different kinds of fibers feed different kinds of things in your gut biome and are processed differently by your body too. Those are just the basic categories of carbohydrates without going into details of the different roles they play in digestion.

    Fruits, veg, whole grains, all have different nutrient profiles and your body treats them differently. Consuming a multivitamin with fiber supplement and sugar may get your caloric and some vitamin needs met but you will be missing many other things that a diet with a broad variety of foods can offer.

  • Some people are saying lack of compliments as a child, some are saying neglect.

    I personally feel similarly much of the time. My parents would compliment me or tell me they are proud but usually just my mother and usually after my sibling did something and we are talking about how proud my mom is of them, like she forgot about me and “oh yeah I’m proud of you too, you do stuff too probably. You weirdo.”

    My dad was emotionally detached and made jokes I could never get because I was a kid without the background knowledge to understand what the joke was. I’m not my mom’s favorite and that was always pretty clear. As I’ve grown up I’ve realized my mom’s favorite might be herself first, as she often makes many things about her, or changes topics to be about her.

    I’m so accustomed to hearing things I can do better that those seem more comfortable to me. I know what to focus on and how I can try and improve. Or, someone just doesn’t like me or wants to complain and there isn’t anything I can do, I’m just there in their way of existing.

    Generally with compliments I’ll say “thanks” or “thank you” but I’m more comfortable with critical feedback I can use to better myself in some way.

    I don’t know your background, I can’t say why you feel the way you do. But you aren’t alone in feeling that way, ‘normal’ or not. If it causes you anxiety or other discomfort for extended periods of time I would suggest trying to work that out with someone, even just a diary if possible to get your thoughts down.

  • Depends on tea…

    I start with boiling water because I don’t have a fancy kettle.

    Tea bags? Leave in for a while, sometimes indefinitely, sometimes til the string annoys me. Black unflavored?With a little half and half. Sometimes brown sugar, tannin content depending. Black flavored (like Earl grey)? Plain. Green? A little honey. Most others? Plain

    Loose? Timing depends on tea type, and can change based on specific tea and quality. Usually: Black/flavored green/lower quality teas? 3 minutes first brew, 5 till indefinite minutes second brew. Green? 1 minute first brew, 2 minutes second brew, 5 minutes third brew. Oolong/puer? 5 second rinse, toss the rinse, 20 second first brew. Or, without rinse, 30 second first brew. 1 minute second brew, 2 minute third brew, etc.

    A lot of loose leaf depends on tea to water ratio too, these work for me. Quality and size of leaf effects how quickly the flavor can get into the water. Sometimes I’ll just stand over the brewing tea and sniff the whole time to determine best brew time. I might be a little crazy about it though.

  • Depending on the cause:

    Massage neck/stretch (if you have been at a computer/desk/reading for a while)

    Drink water (2 glasses) and eat a snack with complex carbs and protein (if you aren’t great at eating healthy regularly or drinking enough regularly)

    Go for a walk or do cardio and get fresh air (sometimes your body gets angry you haven’t moved enough. Also causes mood issues in some cases)

    Take a nap (have you gotten enough sleep? Lack of sleep causes a pile of issues)

    Have tea (caffeine and hydration help sometimes)

    How are you emotionally? Sometimes having strong emotions can be draining and you need extra sleep and sometimes need to do cardio to use cortisol in a healthy way. Working through the emotions is also very important; figure out why you are feeling the way you are, what (if anything) can you do to respond to the situation (responding to others, altering where you are in relation to the problem, directly addressing the problem). Keeping and processing some (high energy or negative) emotions can cause you to have headaches. Cardio helps drain the energy otherwise spent experiencing the emotions for extended periods of time so you can process them faster.

  • There’s a reason for that.

    Ancient apocalypse is what happens when you give a someone who is an outlier opinion in a field they never formally studied money to create a documentary. I would say it’s the ramblings of a bad journalist, but it’s pretty well done honestly. If you are up for “no one has studied this so no one knows this yet (please ignore anyone who says otherwise) but historians are lying to you! One thing they don’t want you to know, click here to learn more!” With nice pictures and some amount of actual information, and a lot of guessing, it’s pretty good. Not scientific, doesn’t pretend it can be backed up with facts, mostly “I’m just asking questions here” vibe. I would note the actual information I mentioned is “this site has been determined to be this old and is located in this geographic location and here are some pretty pictures of it”. There isn’t a ton of factual information, but that’s where each episode starts. He tries to find ‘experts’ and sometimes he will find someone else who hasn’t studied the topic either who will agree with him. Sometimes the best he can find is someone who generally works near by and won’t tell him he is explicitly incorrect.