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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHe deserves better
    10 days ago

    Superman has always been a bit of a boring character, which IMO is hard to write for to make interesting beyond the origin / coming of age story.

    I think screwing up Batman is a lot more offensive. So much good lore and villians to work with.

    IMO, Affleck played a terrible Fatman. He wasn’t dark and brooding, he was wooden and boring. It wasn’t just the story, but Afflecks portrayal of the character.

  • I don’t see any problem with modders charging for their mods. They are doing work, and deserve to be compensated.

    If they’re creating additional deep content, I can see that being worth paying. If it’s just some skins or configuration edits like wonky gravity, that would not be worth money to me. But I think it’s a good thing to be able to add micro transactions for.

    Take the original DOTA for example. A warcraft 3 custom map. It eventually dominated the custom game lobby, at least 3:1. I would have no problem with the creator(s) making money off their creation that contributed a ton of replayability the game.

    When it comes down to it, it should be the modder’s choice on if they want to charge for their work, and the consumers choice if they want to pay for it.

    Also why I didn’t have problems with microtransactions for skins, particularly when it was community driven like DOTA 2. Artists can make money creating non-game altering content, and fans get to personalize their characters.

  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHappens once per thread
    1 month ago

    There were a couple years in my teens when I generally wore all black clothes. I was not a goth, even if I was passingly friendly with a few goths.

    Many assumed I was a goth, and it never bothered me to correct them. It was a completely understandable assumption to make.

    You may not be a goth, but you certainly look like one at a glance.

  • I’ve had this argument with my wife, who wants to swim with Orcas, so many times.

    Me: Orcas are the sadistic murder cats of the ocean. Do not swim with them. They may decide to kill you for the fun of it.

    Her: There has never been a reported fatal orca attack! You worry too much!

    Me: How many people do you think are trying to swim with wild orcas every year? Sample size is to small. It’s like saying it’s safe to slap a grizzly bear with a pool noodle and then throw a Meringue pie in it’s face, because AFAIK, no one has ever died doing so.

  • Wanting you to have a stable career as well as a passion hobby are not incompatible. It’s when you want to make your passion hobby your profession, when the chances are extremely low of being successful, that you get conflict.

    I don’t know anything about your relationship, but it’s likely the negativity comes from a place of wanting you to have a comfortable, practical life.

  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    2 months ago

    I have filled out these forms, and I have abandoned applications.

    If I am being paid to follow process, that’s one thing. If I’m being forced to jump through hoops for free on my own time, before I’m even particularly interested in your company, that’s a completely different thing.

    Same with coding applications. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, really just depends on if I’m bored or not. But as a requirement before the application is even looked at, it’s fucking stupid.

  • I used to play EFT, and he would periodically say stupid shit like this regularly. Like reliably 2x a year at least.

    He’s extremely out of touch with the fan base, and gets upset at the “toxic community” for complaining that the “early access” game (for what, ~8 years now) has major game breaking bugs still, and most importantly, has been overrun by hackers for many years.

    Imagine an MMO where all the epic loot is randomly spawned in a free for all battle ground, and the hackers can see all items on the map, vacuum it up remotely, and leave the lobby before legit players could even sprint there in a straight line.

    And then the lead dev says “man, you guys whine so much, get over it”